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New owner of a male CAG

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Hello everyone! I am new to the forums and I will be the proud new mom of a male CAG this monday january 13th! Any help using this site will be helpful and any advice with being a new owner to a baby CAG will also be helpful and appreciated! Thank you, Miranda

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Welcome to the forum Miranda, I am new too and only had my little Joey a few weeks so we'll be learning together. Here on the forum there are so many willing to help and so much we can read to help as well. How old is your little guy and have you named him yet? It is always nice to see pictures and learn how each one has their own personality. I think my little Joey will be teaching me more than I teach him for the moment.

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Welcome and congrats!! Be ready for a wonderful new life style! These guys will keep you on your toes, and from new parronts to those who have been living with parrots for years, we keep learning new things from each other all the time. So, if you have a questions just ask! Can not wait to see some pictures! ( easy way to post those are by youtube or photo bucket links or whatever you may use, that you can just copy and paste. )

Have you picked a name yet for your little guy?

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Hello Miranda and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new grey, I would advise you to read thru as many of the threads as possible for you will find loads of useful information from experienced grey owners, many times you will find the answers to the questions you may have but do not hesitate to ask any and all questions and we will try to give you some answers if we can.

Have you decided on a name yet? When you get him home please share some pictures of him with us.

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Hi Luvparrots. Welcome to the board. You know that you can get all info you need right on the board.

If you go to Grey Lounge area, Janet the moderator will be able to help you out with anything. Just remember to post pics. We all like pics.


Thanks Dave!!!!!! (heh, heh)

Edited by luvparrots
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These early days with a new grey are exciting. The hardest thing is learning to take it very slowly while he is getting uses to his new home and surroundings. Thank you for joining us and bringing us along on your wonderful adventure. Congratulations on your newest family member.

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