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Jake and I are really pleased to meet you all!


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Hello from Georgia. I've been lurking here since mid November and I have to say that after spending so much time here reading, looking at photos, and watching videos... I'm starting to feel like a stalker... so it only seems right that ya'll get a chance to know me too. I am a new companion/ parent (as of late Nov) to Jake a 11 year old CAG, and this my friends is a love affair 15 years in the making.


15 years ago I had my first encounter with a CAG in a pet shop in the little town I grew up in. I was immediately smitten with the 1 1/2 year old parrot that said hello, cried like a baby, and had a huge arsenal of whistles to charm with. I would make up excuses to go to this pet shop at least once a week to visit the CAG for months until they finally sold it. I thought to myself back then I would get one eventually... Through the years I have circled back to the idea on occasion of having an african grey but for whatever reasons it never came to fruition.


Growing up I had parakeets and helped my mom hand raise cockatiels, however my first foray into large parrots was a couple of years ago when I had my mother in laws cockatoo for 2 years due to some health issues which have since been resolved. During the two year stay I was only bitten once by the bird known for biting other people (this was while we were playing and was not malicious). My husband also managed to win over the "man hater" so that she cuddled with him just as much as she would with me.


Fast forward a couple of years and a new job later, I met my friend whom had a CAG named Jake. Growing up off and on with birds of course led me to ask him one day when I heard his bird in the background of a phone conversation what kind of bird he had. When he said and african grey I of course had to ask what kind and we had other parrot related conversation. Fast forward months later imagine my surprise when I am offered Jake. After a extremely short conversation with the hubs and a very long drive out I became the proud parent of Jake.


In his so far short stay here I am in love, he didn't say a word for almost 3 weeks. Just beeps and whistles and I had already decided he was wonderful even if he didn't say a word and did not appear to like me (aka trust). He bonded in the first two weeks with my husband (of course) and was leery of me which led to me being leery of him. After trying to be as bold as the hubs and getting bit a few times (sometimes blood was drawn, sometimes it wasn't) and reading of Shalung's adventures I decided to stop forcing a relationship and let him come to me. After lots of time singing to him, talking softly, making toys, and introducing him to chop and mash I finally hit my vacation time for the holidays. Taking full advantage of being home we have become much closer and I have had (in my mind at least) little victories like stepping up when he was in an area he isn't supposed to be in. Which eventually built up to stepping up from the play top on his cage, and finally the (thus far) pinnacle achievement of letting me give him head rubs which led to a night of him asking for head rubs. I'm still taking it slow with him but the happiness I feel at the achievements made (he really does like me afterall) and seeing him playing with toys I've crafted is unparalleled.


Sorry this is so long I really could go on even more, if you have somehow managed to not fall asleep yet you can take a gander at some photos of Jake :)

photo 2.jpg

photo 1(2).jpg

photo 3.jpg

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Hello to you and Jake. Jake is a cutie and I like that idea with the straws and a simple zip tie. I guess you found that idea here - somehow I missed that one.


You can keep right on writing for all I care, you use paragraphs and your story is very interesting. Love to read more. You're probably like me and wondering why you waited so long. I waited nearly 20 years after losing my first flock in a divorce and really regret it. The nag would never go away. I was born to be ruled over by a Grey :)

  • Haha 1
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Welcome, Quirky. This IS a great site with lots of friendly, helpful people who feel about their birds the same as you do. I've had many birds throughout my life, but waited 10 years after losing my CAG before Bailey came into my life. And being his guardian now, I regret every day that I didn't have him. But, I'm making up for it by loving him more each day. Glad you finally said hello. Most of us skulk around before coming out of the shadows. :)

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Welcome, Quirky! Am so delighted that you stopped lurking and have shared your Jake with the rest of us. What a beautiful Grey; you are meant for each other. Don't worry about going on and on here -- I warned everyone right off the bat that if it can be said in 5 words, I'll say it in 50. LOLz. Loved the photos, and really enjoyed reading about your and Jake's journey to each other. Keep 'em coming!

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Hello Quirky and welcome to our family.

I guess it was just meant to be with Jake, things fell into place and now he has a new forever home and you have your grey you have wanted for a long long time. He sounds like a real sweetheart and looks handsome to boot, bet we will be hearing and seeing a lot more of Jake.

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That introduction was just the right length for someone who is deeply in love & crazy for their fid. Nothing to apologize for around here. We all think that's exactly how it should be!! I think you're going to fit in just fine! ") Glad you decided to really join us.

Edited by birdhouse
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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I told the hubs a few days ago we really did seem to luck out with Jake. For us to be his 3rd (and final) home he seems to have relatively few issues going on that we cannot work through as we move forward. He seems to have taken to us rather quickly after reading about other re-homed greys here, he allows my 11 year old son to pick him up when he flies the coup and tries to beat-box with him which is way too funny I have to say. (I also find it amusing that they are both less than a year apart in age) Jake seems to be taking to me more; this morning I sat on the floor beside his open cage with a cup of coffee. Maybe he was just curious about what I was drinking (probably made even worse as I won't let him have any) but he climbed down and onto me on his own accord and we sat together for a little while. I was super stoked needless to say. He did try the ol' bait and switch with scritches this morning but I think I'm getting better at reading him. Usually I tell him be nice, no bite and a few minutes will go by during which he seems to decide he wants (or will allow) for head scritches after all.


Overall I have to say I'm not only excited about him (maybe bordering on nuts haha) I'm also glad to have found a place where I can get advice, tell stories, and share pics with others whom know exactly how I feel when it comes to my fid.

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Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the warm introduction to your family and life with Jake. I am especially delighted at how well he has accepted all of you in such a short time and that his history seems to have been loving and kind to him for him to be trusting and interacting positively in a short time with you. It really will get better all the time and I am glad to be along with your for the journey with Jake in your home.

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