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Louie is Now Six!


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So Louie's Sixth Birday has come and gone. He was hatched in December and has been with me since he was 1 1/2 years old.


Louie is a sweet guy and does not show any of the ornery signs that male zons are supposed to posses. Hopefully he will always remain his sweet self.


Happy Hatchday Louie.



Edited by luvparrots
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Happy Bird day Louie! I hope your mama spoils you rotten today, but I kind of think she does every day! You have made her very proud, keep up the good work and enjoy your day!


Nilah sends her love.....boy I would love it if you two could meet, I have a feeling Niliah would instantly fall in love....

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Oh sure offer up your ladies, knowing that they live so far, far away. Just be careful, Louie has never been clipped and flies very well. He also has a wild streak so he might just take a trip and come looking for Nilah and Cricket.


Be aware that my brother who lives in Georgia has agreed to take Louie when the time comes and I will let him know of your offers of female companionship for Louie. (heh heh)

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