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Breezy is definitely talking.


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I was lying in bed this morning right before I got up and Breezy was making all kinds of sounds and talking. Well, my husband deciphered it and he was saying "Jooaaaaan! Good morning? As if in are you going to come out and uncover me? Then he said "What are you doing?" He is also imitating other sounds and was making some really cute interesting sounds but I am not sure if he has heard them here or not.

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All parrots are amazing. Brutus is pretty amazing, too. Breezy has been talking all morning. Was just spending some time with Brutus and scratching her head and under her wing and Breezy was in the livingroom talking to me and trying his best to get my attention. Between him, Brutus, my dog, my cat and my two horses I am never going to be bored.

Edited by Breezy2013
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I need to get a good video recorder. My phone takes video but I would like to get something that does a better quality video. He is talking more in front of us now and the speech is getting clearer. He is really busy talking I have a feeling he is trying to say quite a lot of things. Funny thing is talking doesnt matter to me as much. They are so interesting just on their own they really dont need to talk. So we havent been giving him lessons, just talking to him like he is a person and he is learning to talk that way.

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It is an exciting time. Even though our parrots do give us insight to their intelligence and amazing ability to communicate without words, there is something "over the top", "icing on the cake" as a bonus when they do spontaneously verbalize something right at the appropriate moment. We didn't expect our estimated twelve year old Timneh to come out with new words, she surprised us so much over the holidays with reminders of what she learned in her previous homes and it was funny and delightful. Even though you may not be "training" Breezy in the sense of a schedule, just talking to her and sharing your day is imprinting the impact of your life with her. May she always bring smiles when she speaks up with what she learns from you.

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I am starting to become amazed by Breezy. This morning he treated us to "Get up! and "Let me out!" as we lay in bed. He is talking amazingly early although he is four months old and some here have said the timnehs will sometimes start speaking early. I would still think he was awesome even if he didnt say a word but it is still amazing when they speak our language. We try to repeat his little sounds back to him as well, which he seems to love. He is not speaking clearly yet but maybe I have just had lots of experience deciphering parrot speak over the years as me and Carl can hear what he is trying to say well. When we acknowledge it and repeat it back he seems VERY happy that we understood him.

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How over the top exciting!! Breezy is really a busy little guy and it is so great that you talk to him, with him, and attempt his own little native language too. You may or may not find it interesting to do, but I keep a daily log of the words and phrases and behaviors that Inara expresses and engages in. It has been fun to look back as well as to see how she has strung together phrases from words that were previously just used singly. Go Breezy! Yes, lovely "icing on the cake," as katana600 has said, and we all truly do understand how even without talking the depth of love is still there. :)

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I am putting a blog up for Breezy on my natural Horsemanship forum. I know, not horse related but my forum so my rules. May just make it visible by me as a log like you suggest. Just to keep track of behaviors.


i think you mean.... breezys rules :)


what he says goes from now on haha

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I think it is his rules from now on, Charlie Boy. Breezy seems very accomplished already at ordering us around and he is only four months old. Oddly enough, no talking yet today, just mumbling. So yes, they can be very, very interesting. He is even trying to boss my Blue and Gold Macaw around. She is huge compared to him and it could end badly for him so need to supervise him very closely when Brutus, my Blue and Gold is out and about.

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I think it is his rules from now on, Charlie Boy. Breezy seems very accomplished already at ordering us around and he is only four months old. Oddly enough, no talking yet today, just mumbling. So yes, they can be very, very interesting. He is even trying to boss my Blue and Gold Macaw around. She is huge compared to him and it could end badly for him so need to supervise him very closely when Brutus, my Blue and Gold is out and about.


seems like you have your hands full :)

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