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Hello, I am a new mommy to a 12 month african grey


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Hello, I am new to the forum and the new mommy to a 12 month African Grey named Joey :) I have so much to learn and many questions too. Joey has come to me looking pretty messed up with no tail feathers. :( I hope it is as the vet said and just stress from his fall into the snow a few weeks ago at his old home. He looks like he is also molting as I am finding small amounts of feather on the floor. He seems happy and likes to eat too. I have to get him eating more than just pellets as he hasn't had other foods introduced before. I have only had him for almost 1 day so time will tell. Any help with Joey is welcome.

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Hello and welcome to you and Joey :) How exciting for you and what a nice Christmas present! Glad to hear the vet has checked Joey over and given him a clean bill of health. I'm assuming the vet is an avian vet?


My advice to you is to read the stickys. There is a lot of good, basic information in there. If you have any questions or need specific information, feel free to ask! Many here are experienced and very willing to help. Post some pics of Joey when you have a chance, we love seeing them.


Good luck and God bless :)

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Welcome. Like Timbersmom said, read all you can here, and ask us anything. We are all very friendly, and want to help everyone become the best Parrot guardians that they can be. Good luck with your new baby. It sounds like you helped him get out of a not so great situation, and we thank you for that.

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Poor little guy has fallen into a home that will do their very best to help him feel secure and learn all they can. Great to hear, we will help you along. Let him see you eat some healthy things and offer some to him, maybe a sugar snap pea pod or some apple to start with.

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yes the closest avian vet is 2 hours away so I wanted to make sure he was ok before I brought him home. The vet told me if I have any concerns to call but other wise he seems to just need love and a good diet. To me and the vet it doesn't look like a simple lose of feathers from stress it looks like they have been broke and pulled out. If I was to guess I'd say maybe one of his dogs got to him when he landed outside. I was so happy with that as I do have other feather kids to think about too and I can deal with it. I just have to watch that he won't become a plucker as he tends to want to groom all the time. Joey needs to let the new feathers come without plucking. Joey seem to be happy today he woke up making the same sound a smoke detector makes when the battery is low that beep, beep sound. I have offered a few types of fruit but he won't even try them and same with the veggies I tried last night. It looks like he is not going to be easy to except other foods as he only knows pellets.

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Good news about the vet. Like you, the closest avian vet for us is over 2 hours away. There is a closer vet who will "treat" birds and I use her for nail trimmings etc. When Timber needs a real check-up or were to seem ill in anyway, to the avian vet we go.


I have a picky eater too. You just have to keep trying and you will find things Joey likes. Also, it is very early days in your relationship. He will probably be more receptive to new foods when he is comfortable and relaxed in his new environment. This can take awhile for a grey. Timber will eat cooked sweet potato, a bit of raw carrot and broccoli, fresh peas in the pod, and a bit of raw cauliflower. Those are his standard "will almost always pick a bit" veggies. He also, strangely enough, likes artichokes. I buy a whole artichoke in the produce department, cut off about an inch at the top and about 1/2 inch at the bottom, strip the outer leaves (to aid cleaning), wash it well and hang it on a skewer in his cage. You really have to experiment to find things they will eat, and often they will eat something one day and not the next. Just keep putting it out there. Timber also wants whatever I'm eating, so if it is safe for him I give him a bit.


You can also try a boiled or baked chicken wing with most of the meat stripped off, egg white, etc. Timber is partial to meat, and it is good for him in small quantities at least. When we eat out, I always bring him home a little piece of steak, he is really partial to that.


You might also try feeding Joey off of a spoon. I don't know if it is because most of them are hand-fed by breeders and retain memories or what, but Timber will at least stick his beak in anything I give him on a spoon. He may fling it (like he does yogurt) but he at least tastes it. Sometimes he will lick the spoon clean!


It is trial, error and persistence that wins the day with diet.

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All good advice here, but, maybe this is just common sense, but, many guardians make this mistake. Especially new bird owners. One caution I want to add about giving him things that you are eating, or eating off of a spoon. Human saliva is loaded with harmful to birds bacteria. Do not give him something you have bitten from, or a spoon that you have just eaten off of. And don't let him near your mouth. Dry kisses are fine...who can resist kissing our babies? Again, I know most people would consider this just common sense, but, I have seen many cases of bacterial infections from contact with human saliva.

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Thanks for all the great advice :) I do have 2 Quakers so pretty much have the same rule with the food as I would with them. Joey seems to be eating and happy even with his feathers looking messed up. I am not sure how or what really happened to him as I have to go by what I was told or heard. The pervious owner said he left the patio door open as he was cleaning the snow off the deck and Joey got out and landed into the knee deep snow. The little girl started to tell me how the dog played with him in the snow but was redirected fast. Joey hasn't had his wings clipped as they were waiting till he learnt how to fly first but he looks like they have been hacked out. Joey's feathers do look like more than a simple molt from stress and that is why I took him to the vet that very day. He has many that the shaft is there but no feather on them, some look broken and lots are just gone. The vet said he will look like a new Joey several weeks from now and needs TLC. Today he is trying to interact with us and lets us pick him up. The moment I saw him I knew that he needed to come home with me as my heart sank thinking how hard his short life has been. I will try to take a few pictures in the next few day so I can show off my sweet Joey.

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Hello Chickabee and welcome to our family.

You have been given some excellent advice about Joey, it will take some time to convert him over to healthier foods, not that pellets are unhealthy but not as the sole diet itself, just introduce a couple of new items at a time and do not be discouraged if he doesn't eat them right away, keep offering them for one day he may try them and like them.

It seems that he is beginning to adjust to his new home from what you have said so keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing some pictures of Joey when you get the chance to post them.

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Thanks for all the support Joey and I are going to need it. Joey seems to know when to get my attention he starts shacking his bars and doing all kinds of noisy to say let me out. He isn't sure on anyone touching him but seems to warm up once he has time to choose. I have been offering foods but he is like a kids turning his head or running away from it. He won't even try to taste the food but today I did get him to try some cantaloupe and he came back for another taste. He seems to be scared of touch yet he wants it and once he gives in he takes more. He has to be watched when out as he thinks he can fly and will jump to where he wants but he can't and will end up hurt. When he is out I am right there to watch and if he seems to want to jump I move him towards there. I sure hope his feathers do grow back so he has better balance and won't feel the need to try and look pretty. I am not sure how to add pictures so if you could tell me how I'd love to show him off.

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Joey sounds like Timber. I could tell he wanted to be touched, but he didn't trust me enough. I suspect that given time, Joey will turn out to be a cuddle muffin like Timber is. It does take time though, just just let it move at his pace. Enjoyed the pics as well. Joey seems very comfortable sitting on your arm, which is great. It took several weeks for me to get that far with Timber. Keep up the good work :)

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Today Joey was more than willing to be picked up and if I put him down on the floor perch he ran to my foot to climb up. Joey also puts his head down for me to tickle his neck but if you try to go near his back end he shows its a no way. Joey doesn't make as many noises when he is out but if he is in the cage he sure does to say pay attention and let me out. bed time he always has to be told enough its bedtime and then has to get the last word before he will go to bed. Joey also had a small taste of corn and some nuts today but only if its on my finger to lick it off. I am so happy Joey is warming up to us and showing so much trust. I have held off on trying to bath him as I don't want to scare him and have what trust he has gone. I know with my Rexley & Molly they hated baths or spray and I scared them by trying so they lost trust for days. Now they bath in their water dish and seem to be happy with it.

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Poor soul. Try putting in a water dish with fresh cold water. Many of the greys here, including my Dorian, prefer bathing in cold water. Poor little guy, having to grow all his butt feathers in at once is going to be uncomfortable for him. It would be good if you could get him used to at least misting without damaging your just growing trust. As for food, eat in front of him and make a big deal of how good it is. Leave a section on your plate that is healthy for him (eg no salt). Offer it to him, and if he refuses tell him OK and eat it yourself, again, making a big deal. If I do this a couple of times with Dorian it's usually enough to get him to at least beak a new food, even if he immediately flings it. Sometimes it's hilarious. He'll fling something automatically, and then realize "Hey, that tasted ok" and then sit there looking at the food that's now out of reach under the cage grate. If he really looks sad, I'll give him a second shot at it. lol.

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Right now Joey is on the couch eating nuts :) He is loving them too and when he is done tries to taste the couch :( He has been making so many noises that makes me wonder where it came from. He growls and then laughs when your back is to him. He seems to like our busy home and shows off for everyone a few times a day. I think at times he gets carried away and ends up falling to the bottom of his cage. The whole family have grown very attached to him even when he seems to think morning starts at 6am so he starts waking us all. You all have been great with helping me and both myself and Joey thank you

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