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Annoying Sounds Your Grey Makes


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I'll start. I got up on a ladder this morning to replace the battery in the chirping smoke alarm. As I replaced it I heard another smoke alarm chirping. Then I thought, hmmm-- I don't have another smoke alarm-do I? And if i do, what are the chances of its battery going dead at the same time?


No, actually I do not have another smoke alarm, but I do have a parrot who is a mimic. Thank you Brutus. So now I get to hear the smoke alarm even though the battery is changed. Actually he hasn't been that bad with the sound, but he does say, "You're smart" pretty often. I have no idea why.

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Mine makes the same sound! A very high, hurt your ears chirp! He does it when he doesn't like something or nervous or when he wants attention and/or all the time! I try to ignore it but it is the worst sound! My husband gets so angry :( Babalu also makes a car alarm and siren that he always does together like 3 times in a row. And somehow he always knows to do it when I'm trying to put my daughter down for a nap :mad:

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Cotay does the high pitch, in your ear, chirp. Lucky though she only does it to Pat. Gabby does three knocks, which in its self isn't bad, it is the hard bite she gives right after that makes me not like that sound. Bongo is an angel, he does not do anything annoying, yet. Lol

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While these sounds may be annoying, I know that we all are very happy that our birds are healthy and happy enough to make them. My parents & grandparents had birds, so, my life has always had bird sounds in it. And even most of the annoying (to others) sounds are still like the laughter of children, and/or music, to my ears. Now, you want to hear unfavorable sounds, have a houseful of rescued screamers, that set each other off. That's probably the only thing I don't miss about not doing my rescue work any more.

Edited by BaileysPapa
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Gil has been taught by my diabolical daughter the most annoying sound to human females. "Mom, ma, maaaa, moooom". While I am going the extra mile with holiday baking away from home, Gil has been practicing all day, non stop with her mom nagging. She makes everyone laugh at bedtime with a final "Moooooom!" Followed by "What? What? What? What? What? What? What do you want?" Followed up by raucous maniacal laughter. It isn't so much Gil's repetition that is vexing me, it's knowing that my daughter did this knowingly and purposely. I plan to start recording it, setting my alarm and calling her at three or four in the morning to return the favor.

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Dayo makes some very loud ear piercing dinks and whistles. I work from home helping users with software engineering issues and am on the phone 6 to 7 hours a day. Anyway, Dayo will sometimes go on a tyrant for attention with his very loud wall piercing whistles and sound effects. I have explained to him that he needs to be quite while I am talking on the phone. I will tell him "I'm on the phone, be quite please". Most times he will stop until I'm off the phone and I come out and talk to him on a break. But, there are times he ignores my request and comes back with "(LOUD whistle or sound effect) BE QUITE!".... over and over and over.... mind numbing. I have learned to mute my phone in 1 microsecond. :P

Edited by danmcq
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For Gracie it is an imitation of the most grating, high-pitched cough imaginable. She learned it from me last winter during a bout with the flu and uses it anytime she is irritated or trying to get my attention. All her other sounds are sweet and easy on the ears. This cough is.....hellish. I am going to send a recording of it to interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to use on terror suspects in lieu of waterboarding. I guarantee they will crack and give away all their secrets!

Edited by JeffNOK
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  Murfchck said:
Gabby does three knocks, which in its self isn't bad, it is the hard bite she gives right after that makes me not like that sound.


It's nice of her to give you such a clear warning :D :D :D (Now I have that ancient Tony Orlando and Dawn, "Knock Three Times" song running through my head, thanks to you!! LOL)


Inara picked up the screeching sound of the jays outside. Amplified to parrot-into-the-next-dimension level, it can be annoying for sure. My ancient CAG would do the sound of a piece of heavy equipment backing up -- beep beep beep. Not funny if I was bending over retrieving a dropped toy......

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The smoke alarm is one we all hope Isaac forgets one day. It is this tremendously loud and high pitched beep. We keep ignoring it, but he still likes to do it. The worst is when he flies to my shoulder and does it next to my ear. Then I get what they call a "temporary hearing threshold shift"...which basically means I can't hear stuff I used to for a little bit. Please forget this sound.

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  Inara said:
Inara picked up the screeching sound of the jays outside. Amplified to parrot-into-the-next-dimension level, it can be annoying for sure.


I also get to hear wild bird calls indoor at CAG volume. Dorian also makes the high ear piercing sound anytime anyone unfamiliar walks into his royal presence, sometimes to the point where people will question my sanity for having him. I'm standing there like "he makes other sounds, really, he does, just not in front of YOU, the possible enemy." Lol

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Loki recently picked up our security alarm sound, it chimes twice and announces what door is open. Whenever we are trying to sleep in on the weekends now he does the two chimes perfectly then announces front door open :-). He has also started making the squeeky sound from the treadmill whenever I leave the room!

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Oh yeah, the calling the dogs to "go outside, gotta make a pee pee". We never knew we said that, so glad she pointed it out... 15 times a day at the least! I also forgot that Bongo does the backing up beeps too. It is funny how we hear their noises so often that we often forget because it becomes second nature to us.

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