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Communicating with Animals


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I would never have believed it unless I witnessed it!

Anna communicates with a vicious black leopard and changes his life. Have your tissues ready.


This woman shows us how to listen to our animals.



I always did believe that if you tell your birds exactly how you want them to behave they will. Before I leave home i remind my Grey not to go on my desk, and you know what? Nothing is disturbed when I get home. A couple of times i forgot and some things got chewed--oops! Also, I always tell them how long i will be gone. It turns out I was doing this right. As an experiment I pictured Pancho laughing, and within 5 minutes he was laughing! He rarely does this normally. I am so happy to have found these videos! i hope you enjoy them too. I knew I wasn't crazy! Think in "pictures" on how you want them to behave, and they will, because they love us. Let me know what you think.

Edited by chezron
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I am familiar with Anna Breytenbach's work. She is a phenomenal person. And has done very good things for many animals and their guardians. I found it particularly interesting that she told this leopard's guardians that he did not like his name, Diablo. It reminded me of a recent post of mine, in which I was sarcastically ridiculed for a similar train of thought.

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Wow, thanks for sharing this truly moving video of "Spirit". Great post! :)


BaileysPapa - I am truly sorry you were " sarcastically ridiculed for a similar train of thought". When we humans encounter things that seem beyond belief, scoffing, laughing at and nay saying is a predominant reaction unfortunately.


I wish I could read and communicate with my critters like Anna does. It has always bothered me when they stare at you and you know they are communicating something, but you have no clue what it is. You try to second guess, but most the time it is wrong.

Edited by danmcq
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Excellent video. Glad I had the tissues ready.

BaileysPapa I am so sorry for that experience! I am sure it hurt. Sunny, our rescued sunconure came here with the name " icecream"... Noway, was I going to have a bird named icecream! It was a temporary name that he didn't recognize anyway. He didn't really have a name! Never had. Kids decided on Sunny since he is yellow and orange. Not original.... but a much better name. Nancy

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I am familiar with Anna Breytenbach's work. She is a phenomenal person. And has done very good things for many animals and their guardians. I found it particularly interesting that she told this leopard's guardians that he did not like his name, Diablo. It reminded me of a recent post of mine, in which I was sarcastically ridiculed for a similar train of thought.


I'we seen your post and it was just fine BaileysPapa!!! Inter species communication is something that exists. There is nothing mystical or super-natural about it - it is just a fact that it has not been properly explored and scientifically examined. Therefore, we have no full knowledge of it. Unfortunately, Danmcq is correct: when something is beyond someones belief, sarcastic neglecting is most often reaction.

Also sometimes, protagonists of "serious" science i.e. those who earned their diplomas and titles on certain established findings are not happy to see new scientific approaches that result with new achievements and discoveries. History is full of examples.

Here is another video that is an interview of Anna. It is not new (2011) but is interesting to hear her explanation on what she actually work on.

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Wow. What an amazing video. I have long held that humans do not give the respect or understanding to animals that they should. When I was younger I was ridiculed because I preferred to spend time with animals over humans, but there is something in the way they think and feel that I feel closer to.


I recently bought the book "Animals Make Us Human" by Dr. Temple Grandin. She is an amazing woman who, in her own words "thinks like a cow." She is severely autistic and despite dire predictions from doctors and other science-backed "experts" she went on to earn a PhD, and do some amazing work improving conditions for livestock and making slaughter more human. She explains that animals think as she does - in pictures.


Just a theory here, but perhaps our own "intelligence" tends to blind us as a race, to something that these gifted women can see because they can set the "intelligence" of facts and experts aside and be willing to take the naysayers and ridicule that they surely must have endured. Thank you so much for sharing the link, and for the warning about the tissues. Now off to try to explain in pictures to my beloveds why their mommy is crying....

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