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I'm excited! I'm getting a Go Pro camera for Christmas!


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That is very exciting, pikachu! I figured out how to post videos, but it's getting them compressed so that they don't take a jillion years to upload that is what has me stymied. Would love to hear some input on what software others here use who are great at doing/posting the vids. Perhaps some kind would will give us a tutorial on how to compress and post? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

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Do you really mean 'compressed' or 'edited'? YouTube will take care of compressing on it's own. They actually recommend MPEG4 at 640x360 (16:9) or 480x360 (4:3) aspect ratios. I have a GoPro but I never use it for the birds so I can't recall what ratios it supports. Once you have your video in hand, the best way to 'compress' it is to edit it. I use Windows Moviemaker because it's free and easy. The downside to Moviemaker is that it outputs an .avi file but YouTube supports upload of .avi so no biggie there.

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Do you really mean 'compressed' or 'edited'? YouTube will take care of compressing on it's own. They actually recommend MPEG4 at 640x360 (16:9) or 480x360 (4:3) aspect ratios. I have a GoPro but I never use it for the birds so I can't recall what ratios it supports. Once you have your video in hand, the best way to 'compress' it is to edit it. I use Windows Moviemaker because it's free and easy. The downside to Moviemaker is that it outputs an .avi file but YouTube supports upload of .avi so no biggie there.


SterlingSL, GoPro has a free photo/video software that you can download for free.

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