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Breezy is mumbling practicing words already.


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Hi everyone. Breezy is only three or at the most four months old and he is already practicing saying words as he was mumbling to himself yesterday and he does it every time I talk to him. How old are TAG's usually when they start talking? I know it is usually six to 12 months when they start but many on here have said there birds have started earlier.

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It can vary from individual to individual with some starting early and others being late bloomers, my grey didn't start talking until she was about one year of age but we have heard of them starting at an early age such as Breezy, they do a lot of practicing at first but congrats on an earlier starter.

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Funny thing is talking is not that important to me so I am not really giving him lessons. More interested in a birds personality but he seems to be just listening to us talk and practicing what we are saying. Now and then I can pick out a word he is trying to say. Heard hello a time or two.

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He said hello clearly tonight again. He actually sounds a little like me I can hear the resemblance to my voice. Taping it is a good idea. I dont think anyone in my family believes he is talking so soon. He has been here less than a week but really he has made himself right at home here and seems very happy. He is doing the talking sounds, heard him after I covered his cage for the night. He sounded like he was practicing. Him and my macaw have been talking back and forth to one another as well. They are on separate ends of the house for now, kind of a quarantine.

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Breezy2013... I have had " open cage concept" for more then a decade. It has worked for our family. We were lucky when the gang was younger, to have 24/7 coverage. Doesn't work for all families, as many work normal hours. Open cage concept, also comes at a cost. Messy... eventually converted our formal living room into a birdroom. When babies are babies, I always encouraged their needs to be met by entire family. Socialization is soooo important! Make sure everyone that is involved in babies life, commits to being on the same page and are all involved in feeding and cleaning cages. We are all here for you. Nancy and Sophie

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I wish I could totally bird proof my house and do that. Maybe some day if I am really, really lucky. For now they are out all the time when we are home but they go back into their cage to stay safe when we go to doctors appointments or do our errands. We are never gone more than two to three hours at a time at the most. We are both disabled, unfortunately for us but I am sure fortunately for our animals. But they are the ones who count, anyways, so I suppose it is all good. They are kind of like kids, we could never have any.

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So great to hear how Breezy is doing! He will probably grow up to be a little chatterbox. :) I love it that both you and BaileysPapa have expressed that you would love your fids even if they never talk. I had an Amazon for 2 decades that never uttered a word. He had been through the mill and back, and all I cared about was that he had a peaceful, stable life. He loved watching, listening, and music. I loved him to the moon and back.


Can't wait to see/hear some recordings of your little one!!

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