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Anyone have a Grey and a Parakeet (not in same cage just same room)


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I want to get a parakeet as I have always liked the little guys. I wondered if that has been a problem for anyone to have a grey and a different species bird? Does the grey have issues with that? My Dolly comes first so I don't want to upset her. I've had cockatiels and parakeets and have enjoyed them and since my husband is Dolly's true love (she allows me to cook clean and feed her) I thought about getting another little parakeet. Any input from you all is welcome! Jan

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At least 50--60% of the members here have different species of parrots in the same house which are also in the same room. They DO need their own separate cages. It doesn't really matter what size they are. How they act together is only someting that time can answer. Some can stay together on a playstand and others need separate time on a playstand. I have 2 monk/quaker parrots/parrokeets in the same area with 3 greys and the quakers are the true bosses of the room. PS--I get the feeling you're really referring to a budgie?

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Dave is right, it sort of depends on the individual birds themselves, we have had members who have different species that get along great and some that have to have separate out of cage time, my three get along as there is a little distance between them so I have all three out at the same time with no problems.

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I have three parrots, all different in the same room that come out of their cages at the same time. They do get along. I however have a red factor canary, male, that lives in my office as my timneh, Ana Grey, would eat him alive if she could get her beak on him. She is a true stalker. I watched my grandson's cat for a few days and the poor kitty stayed under the couch because Ana Grey would stalk him.


My canary loves to come out of his cage and fly around my office and look out the window, he goes back in his cage when he is sleepy or hungry. This arrangement works for us.

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I, too, have a Grey and other (7) birds. Bailey (Grey) will snap at everyone when they come near. I try to keep them apart, and often give different birds their own out of cage time. Also, because all the others don't get along well together. I have a Lovebird that can only be out with my Cockatiel, who he adores, but, nobody else. My Parrotlet doesn't really like any other bird, but, can be out with others because he stays by himself. It's sometimes a juggling act, but, works for us. Everyone gets some time out every day. Either by themselves, or with their friends. I vary the mix to keep everyone somewhat socialized. Thankfully, they all love me!

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I have a CAG, a BFA and a cockatiel. My grey and amazon are often out together. My cockatiel likes his own time with us.

As you read you will see that we all make our multi species parrots home work for us in our own way.

Know each your parrots and go from there.

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Thanks Dave & Judy! I am referring to a Budgie...I would keep them separated (not on same play stand) since I have no idea if Dolly would hurt the little guy. She sure is hell bent on killing me!


It is very common in the US to hear budgies referred to as parakeets. We have an adorable but meaner than snot little budgie that we call "Little Budgie" due to a constant changing of cere color. I know believe the color changes from blue to tawny to orange to blue are due to a seed mix. I took him off it at the suggestion of the vet, and the color turned back to blue. She looked really close at the cere at last visit and says she's pretty sure he is a he so I guess I need to finally give him a name. As much as I have worked with this bird, he still bites the daylights out of me every day.


The Greybies don't seem to even notice him. I think it's because he's so small. He makes no move towards them. (The Green Cheeks are another story - he thinks he can take all FOUR of them on at once! And screeching all the way!


As others have said, I think it depends on the birds. It adds a bit more time because at times we have to rotate shifts in the playroom, but I love all my babies, large and small and enjoy every one of them. I'd say go for it!

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Muse~ I busted out laughing "We have an adorable but meaner than snot budgie that we call "Little Budgie" "


Thank you everyone, I think I feel comfortable now and I will get another bird, a budgie. I think I am addicted to these feathered friends....Even Dolly who holds me with utter contempt I love.

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Jeez... I don't have any tattoos. I USE to have six holes in my ears, but Sophie took care of that! All earrings were her own personal gym! She could snatch them out faster then I could feel it. Many of us have MBS.. as well as MDS ( dogs), or MGS, ( guinea pigs). Sophie gave up the moment she walked in our door. Within a week of moving in, she was on patrol to help us find a missing guinea pig Teddy. She was walking around yelling " Teddy!" Dogs were sniffing everywhere... Sophie was checking the vents. She found Teddy. Nancy

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