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Can you keep a timneh friendly with two people?


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As you know we got a baby timneh a few days ago. Both me and my husband just love him. He is so sweet! Any way we can keep it so we can both handle him? We both love him and some things I have read say greys choose one person or is that more the congos? Breezy is such a tame, sweet, easygoing guy with both of us. It would be great if we could both interact with him once he grows up. So any possible way to keep him handleable by us both?

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Life holds no guarantees. This is especially true when dealing with parrots. If you keep a routine where you both do all the things needed for him, i.e. feeding, cleaning and playing, maybe you will be some of the lucky ones where you both are favorite people. But, Breezy will have the last say in that.

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He already seems to prefer me but he will let Carl pick him up and skritch his feathers. I think Carl needs to feed him and interact with him and take him to his playstand a little more. So far, so good though. I have usually been the one to handfeed him, though.

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Timnehs seem to be less single person bonding than Congos. But, these birds are very intelligent, emotional and needy. The key to keeping him well socialized is to expose him to as much as possible, in the way of interacting with other people (not just you & husband), seeing different things, and giving him the widest education about the world that you can. You and your husband both should take turns feeding him, cleaning his cage, and picking him up. Plus pass him back and forth. He probably will choose a favorite, because these guys pick a mate for life, and belong to the same flock for their whole lives, in the wild. But, if properly socialized, will tolerate, and even enjoy, handling by either of you.

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@ Bailey's papa, they do seem to require a lot of attention but I am retired and am home most all the time so he has me here with him almost 24/7. I do go out to do errands, or go to appointments or to work with my horses and I am teaching him to play by himself in his cage. He is very well adjusted and while I do other things he just plays with his toys or plays or eats on his play gym.

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It's possible for your TAG to have a good, but different relationship with each member of the household. In our case, Toby is far more affectionate with me, but very playful (and less affectionate) with my husband. For example, Toby loves head scratches, but only from me. The relationship can also change over time (parrots can and often do change who they consider their favored person as they mature).

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My grey Josey is bonded to me and I was usually the only one to handle her but as time progresses she is becoming more fond of my hubby, she regularly goes over to him in the evenings to sit with him and gives him kisses, I can still do more things with her than he can but yes it is possible for you both to have a good relationship with Breezy. I have to agree with the others in that it will be a different relationship with each person but it can be a rewarding one for both in their own ways.

My hubby says the reason she is becoming more fond of him is that he has been the one to take care of her and my other two birds when I went on vacation for nearly two weeks, who knows, it could be.

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They may bond to one person, but that doesn't mean they so t allow others to I tract with them. My 3 spend time with others even tho I am their favorite. They will sit with them, ask for cuddles, take treats and perch on them as they move around the house.

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I so love my Toulouse TAG. Got him at 12 weeks of age and he was easily handled by all. He is now about 14 months old. There has been a progression where Toulouse has turned into a one person bird when he is outside of his cage. When he is inside the cage he is happy to interact with my son and wife, he'll talk to them, be attentive when they talk to him, take treats, etc. As Toulouse has gotten older I have tried to deal with behavioral issues with a soft hand and been willing to take the occasional bite. The pain tolerance for my son and wife is not the same as mine. Both my son and wife have found their comfort zones with Toulouse and enjoy his company within those. I think the key is whether or not you're a parrot person. If you have a dog you'll probably say "Oh no, you're not going to bite me!", If you have a parrot you'll say "It happens." I think that if you and your husband are willing to work through the "brat" times and are consistent in your approaches your TAG will a good relation with both of you, maybe not the same. It would be good to get a perspective from someone with a TAG 5 yr or over. I think that they are sexually mature at 5. I imagine that would put a different spin on things.


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I so love my Toulouse TAG. Got him at 12 weeks of age and he was easily handled by all. He is now about 14 months old. There has been a progression where Toulouse has turned into a one person bird when he is outside of his cage. When he is inside the cage he is happy to interact with my son and wife, he'll talk to them, be attentive when they talk to him, take treats, etc. As Toulouse has gotten older I have tried to deal with behavioral issues with a soft hand and been willing to take the occasional bite. The pain tolerance for my son and wife is not the same as mine. Both my son and wife have found their comfort zones with Toulouse and enjoy his company within those. I think the key is whether or not you're a parrot person. If you have a dog you'll probably say "Oh no, you're not going to bite me!", If you have a parrot you'll say "It happens." I think that if you and your husband are willing to work through the "brat" times and are consistent in your approaches your TAG will a good relation with both of you, maybe not the same. It would be good to get a perspective from someone with a TAG 5 yr or over. I think that they are sexually mature at 5. I imagine that would put a different spin on things.


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Our 28 month old TAG, Inara, has a relationship with both myself and my other half. I've ensured from day 1 when she came to live with us about 14 weeks ago, that I involved Joe in her care and handling even though I do the bulk of it. She at first was a bit nippy with him. This I attributed to his being a bit nervous handling her. Once the two of them became used to one another, the nippiness stopped and she is very comfortable with Joe taking her out of her cage, hanging out with her, and they now do a whistling duet of "If I only had a brain," from the Wizard of Oz.


However, she will not allow him to handle her the way I do, i.e. examining her wings, toes, face, etc. and she is much more affectionate with me. She does initiate contact with Joe, and gives him a special whistle, fluff and tail wag when he picks her up or when he comes home from work. I do believe that she would allow the same type of handling, if Joe was comfortable doing so. This was evidenced by when I took her to her first visit with our avian vet. I handed her over easily (and had prepped her for a couple of weeks prior by examining her wings, toes, etc) and the vet did not need to towel her in order to complete her exam. Her assistant said, "You're being brave this morning," to the vet, and the vet replied, "She seems very relaxed and amenable to being handled." She was, although she was definitely ready to come back to me pronto once things were finished.


This morning, I had overslept and awoke to a strangely quiet house. I walked into the living room and there was Joe having his tea in his chair, our dog snoozing at his feet, and HRH Inara happily atop her little PVC play perch on the floor, happily playing with a footie toy and already having had her breakfast fruit. While I was delighted that things were so smooth, I do have to admit to a teensy twinge of .."hey, how could it have gone so smoothly without me??!" LOL


The long and short of it is that I would echo others above who suggest keeping up the interactions with other members of the family. It's very easy once a bird has been a bit beaky or nippy with someone other than the primary caretaker, for that person to begin backing off a bit on interactions and then the bonds become a bit looser between them and the bird. Also, we all deep inside of us, if we would admit it to ourselves, can take a wee bit of pleasure in knowing that we are our fid's favorite and so sometimes unconsciously allow the bonds to become looser with other family members. :) I confess, that I do take a teensy bit of delight that Inara loves to give me smooches and does not do so with Joe. (I'm a bit evil that way! :D :D)

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My TAG, Ana Grey, is 5 and will be 6 in April. She has always been fearless thanks to her very loving breeder who made sure her babies before re-homing them were very social. My parrots like me best, of course, it probably is because I live alone (ha). Ana Grey however goes to others that come to visit. Have a pistachio and she is there. I do not let others touch my parrots. If one of my parrots goes to others, it is because the parrot has chosen to go to that person. I believe animals are the best judges of good character.

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I'm by no means an expert as we are new grey people. Our CAG is now 8 months old. She is "in love " with my 14 yr old son, however she spends more time with me since she goes to my classroom and is exposed to all kinds of sounds and people there. She only regurgitates for my son and it is obvious he is "the one", but she allows me to do avert thing with her that my son does. However, she lets him scratch her head longer etc...which is an additional confirmation that he is her favorite.


We are doing everything we can to socialize her widely. I'm the one who has wanted a grey (since I was a girl) and we got her to fulfill that lifelong dream. That said, she chose who her "love" is!!

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My grey Corky just turned 13 years old and we have had her all her life. She is very socialized and loves my wife, son and me and it`s hard to tell who is her favored person is as we are all active in her day to day life.

She will go to almost anyone (her choice).

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Our TAG, Felix, is now 18 months old. We've had him since he was 9 weeks old. It's true that the relationship is different with different people. I am the caregiver. I clean his cage and feed him for the most part. So in the evenings when he wants his bedtime snack he finds me and rides my shoulder gently chirping into my ear until I feed him. My husband is the "fun" one. He spends a lot of time talking to him and whistling to him. So when Felix is feeling playful he finds my husband and they whistle and talk to each other. However, he likes us both. So far he hasn't shown any aggression towards anyone. I hope that continues. I think he favors my husband a little more than me but my husband spends more one-on-one time with him than I do.

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My CAG Gracie likes many people besides me. I am her partner in life since we live alone together, but she has made several friends who she greets by name and allows to handle her. She was socialized early, and while she is cautious with new people, once she knows you and she decides she likes you--you are in. This rule applies to people and dogs, but not cats. She tends to be anti-feline.

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I am not an expert regarding Cags and Tags. This is just MY interpretation. Tags tend to be smaller, more shy. As far as their expectations of us as parents.... its the same.They all prefer to have just one person they can love.If you have the entire family caring for them, bonding, it gets difficult for them to make decisions regarding a favorite. Sometimes the " favorite" gets changed all the time. As they mature, and the consistency with the family members, DOESN'T change....the bird has to work it out.Sophie has decided to love Sean for his silly games of tag they play. I enjoyed watching them the other day sharing a popsicle. Sean eating it on the top, Sophie eating it on the bottom. Sean was watching a movie.... didn't even notice most people would think this is unusual. Ryan coming home tomorrow. OMG! Sophie's bonded male will be home. Nancy

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