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:) nice!

I am very familiar with repetitive "What are you doing" . Every morning, after exchanging "good morning", Poly ask me "How are you" and than many times "what are you doing" and I have to answer every single time he is asking me, during my preparation to go to work.:):)

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Sophie also has a different contact for each family member. I am sure when kids come home, she will start them all over again! We tend to yell back and forth upstairs. I will yell " dinner!" I hear " coming" in both Ryan and Sean's voice. As I am 3/4 deaf in my right ear, I can't determine where sound comes from! When I hear " coming" in my kids voice, I think it is them. Its not. It is Sophie. She imitates them to perfection. So when they don't come down for dinner... I get so annoyed with them. It was Sophie. Nancy

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Great video. Misty is a handsome grey! Gracie wants to meet him! It is funny how many questions they ask--it reflects how many questions we ask our poor fids. Gracie always asks: "How're you doing?" "What you doing?" What do you want?" "Where are you?" " Where is...(Daddy, mommy, Bill, Pam, Marie, the birdies), etc...?" There seem to be far more questions than answers--just like life.

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Great video. Misty is a handsome grey! Gracie wants to meet him! It is funny how many questions they ask--it reflects how many questions we ask our poor fids. Gracie always asks: "How're you doing?" "What you doing?" What do you want?" "Where are you?" " Where is...(Daddy, mommy, Bill, Pam, Marie, the birdies), etc...?" There seem to be far more questions than answers--just like life.


I always answer Misty and try to explain what I am doing and he looks at me as though he understands every word I say! Of course he does. ;):)


Steve n Misty

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How adorable. What a beautiful and intricate contact call. Mar's is loud and harsh and can be described as an impatient shriek. I don't shriek back. My answer is "I'm right here." I notice he will also continue to shriek while flying if he is not sure where I went. Tonight, while "we" were working around the house, I indulged in way too much hot tea and as a result had to quickly duck in to the bathroom (off hallway). As I headed for the doorway I heard the call, but knew I couldn't stop. There are curtains in the doorway to discourage flying into the foyer but they were most of the way open as I was home alone, had the front door locked and was carrying stuff in and out of the foyer preparing to put up the Christmas tree (which he had to supervise....). The curtain must have hidden the bathroom door enough that he didn't see where I went. He flew through the hall and into the foyer and heading upstairs, shrieking all the way. I called to him "I'm in here!" (good thing I left the door open!) and he did a beautiful 180 that looked like he was pivoting on a wing tip and flew straight to me and landed in my lap. Yes, they are just like a three year old. When the girls were that age I couldn't use the bathroom alone either.

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How adorable. What a beautiful and intricate contact call. Mar's is loud and harsh and can be described as an impatient shriek. I don't shriek back. My answer is "I'm right here." I notice he will also continue to shriek while flying if he is not sure where I went……………..


Misty only ever shrieks if I unexpectedly brush against one of his wings. I assume that because he came clipped when I got him around ten years ago from his previous keeper he hates anyone touching his wings.

Because of the way I helped him learn how to fly, when he flies about he cries out "Fly Misty".:D


Steve n Misty

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