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Bedtime routine


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I hope this picture uploads. I'm new to photobucket.


Anyway, Nala will be 8 months old tomorrow. We have an established bedtime routine. I tell her it's time for nite-nite and get her. She starts her special grumbling noise that she always does at our bedtime routine time. My son (in pic....Nalas love) hugs her and then I do the same. Everyone else in the family says goodnight. Then I take her to her sleep cage and sing her special song.


We love her! Thanks for looking.

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Awww... adorable picture! We always had a routine as well. I'm surprised Sophie never learned to say " I need a drink of water!" Our routine consisted of reading a quick book, or a poem, which she LOVES! She is 13 now. Sometimes I'm not quick enough, and she has already walked into birdroom and put herself to bed.It makes me sad sometimes that she is now a teenager and doesn't always need me as much. Of course we read another time as I remind her she missed her bedtime story. Nancy

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Dayos bedtime routine. This has been going on for years. He will not even think about going in his cage for night-night time until he is positive we are in fact going to bed. I must shut the TV off. Then I will get up off the couch and start telling him it is time to go night-night. He is normally on his T-Stand chilling and he will do a wing stretch as I approach. Then we do a little beak joust using my thumb and first finger to rub his beak between them. Then I start pushing my hand under his belly while stating it's time to go night-night. He will step up and I lift him up under my chin and rest it in the cradle between his neck and back. We walk over to the cage, open the door and as I insert him next to his perch he steps off. During this time, my wife is heating up hot water in the microwave. Dayo loves hot water and expects when he is placed in his cage to go night-night. While he is pressed up against the front of the cage anxiously awaiting the hot water, I bend down and say "Daddy go night-night, Mommy go night-night and Dayo go night-night and we close our eyes (I close my eyes and bend head down) and go to sleep. He watches my eyes intently while doing this. Then I give him a kiss. When we have family down spending the night, I include all their names in this and he will turn his head and look intently at me as I list off all the names as if to say "Hey, this is different!". My wife then brings the hot water in his bowl and holds it up to him in the cage and He drinks a few big gulps, then we place the bowl in the cage door. Then we both place the cover over his cage. Once covered we peek in and tell him good night and to have sweet dreams. He is then happy as a clam and is totally silent and relaxed for a good nights sleep.

Edited by danmcq
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