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Throwing water on my Thanksgiving guests.


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Dolly as some of you may know...hates water, baths, misting, showering etc. Growls, screams, flaps and acts as if she is being murdered.

So today as my Thanksgiving guests are getting seated I am pouring ice cold water in their glasses I decide to add the rest to Dolly's drinking bowl. We are seated, eating.... then all of a sudden people start flinching, asking who is throwing their water on them looking around suspiciously at each other and then I look at Dolly....happily bathing in her ICE COLD WATER BOWL throwing it all over the place trying to get it on her back and wings...people were seriously getting wet with her bathing...bottom line. I am so happy she took a bath!! Thankful for the little things.



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Hahaha... what a mental image. I hope your guests were understanding! Our Greybies love cold water to drink. In fact, Megan will demand "Want some water" if the water in the bowl is tepid. As soon as I give a fresh bowl from the fridge dispenser, she guzzles it down. Both will rush to us for a drink of water if we are drinking it. After all, it always tastes better from somebody else's glass. So far they seem to prefer to bathe in room temp water. I guess just like humans, they all have differing likes and dislikes.

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That is funny!!! You really never know what to expect from these guys. But that's just part of their charm. :)


My grey likes to bath in water that's just a little warmer than room temp. My ekkie's the one who likes a nice cold bath. Both make sense to me. In the wild they might find a nice cold mountain or spring fed stream & other times they may be lucky to find a muddy puddle for months on end. They have to be pretty adaptable to survive in their native habitats.

Edited by birdhouse
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marco gets a warm shower when shes in there with me and seems to like it fine and as far as her bathing in her bowl she does that as well not sure of the water temp there I can only tell you she waits for it to be fresh and clean and then decides all of a sudden she needs to be IN IT !!!!!! :rolleyes:

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JanMarie, that is too funny!! Dolly is a scamp and was just holding out until exactly the right moment! I've not tried cold water with Inara, I leave her mister out near her cage and so the water is room temp. She has always had two water dishes inside of her cage and she likes to bathe in one. She usually bathes about once a week, and oddly usually on Sundays. Guess she's freshening up before getting off to a rolling start on Mondays.


Maybe because their body temperature is higher than ours, the cooler water feels refreshing and soothing? In any event, they are fascinating companions and always ready to make us eat our own words. LOL

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