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I'm wondering if the bird babysitter DVD was a good idea?


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We purchased it to play on the days Nala does not go to work with me or the rare occasion she is at home all day (like when we go to get supplies at the bigger town).


We bought it because we can't get a clear radio station to play and our cable automatically turns off after a while.


Well, two days ago she started making this high pitched, rather odd whistle/sound. Over, and over and over etc..... Lol


Do greys make up odd sounds or do they usually only make sounds they have heard somewhere? I was thinking she will experiment with her voice much like a young child does when learning to talk. Nala is almost eight months so I figured she is experimenting with her voice. Am I wrong?


Do you think the bird babysitter DVD may not be a good idea? There are some truly annoying squawks on that DVD. I think it may have a feature where you can select music instead of the actual parrots.


We use it because it has a continuous loop feature.


Rookie Parronting mistake? Advice please?

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Yes, Michelle, Greys have a wide variety of sounds that they will make naturally. They are not the noisiest birds in the forest, but, they do vocalize quite a bit. And they do make up sounds on their own, other than mimicking. Some people may not know this, but, the whistle that we call the "wolf whistle" has been heard in the jungle where nobody could have taught it to the birds. My Bailey does that often, and I cannot whistle, and the breeder said he has done that from a very early age. And when they find a sound that they like, or gets attention or a reaction, they will repeat it over and over. My Bailey also does a high pitched "Whoop!" sound which he seems to enjoy. Which is also a sound he hasn't learned from any of us. I am not familiar with the bird babysitter DVD, so someone else will have to advise you on that.

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I have the Birdsitter dvd. It can play on loop if you want, I use that feature. I LOVE it, having used it for the past 7 years, my birds seem to enjoy watching it. I don't notice that they pick anything up that isn't the norm. I work full time, so I set the tv on Nick Jr. for 2 days, use the bird dvd on Wed. (that's their half way point, I think they realize that) then on thurs, I set a playlist of songs for Nilah my amazon, she loves to sing like Barbra Streisand, then back to Nick Jr. on Friday.

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As BailysPapa says Greys can be very inventive vocally. Sometimes they will hear sound just once and then they pick it up and play with it. The will often associate a sound or words contextually in ways that just amaze. It is one of the great pleasures of living with a Grey. Some parrots can make your ears bleed but happy Greys can be a real treat. Misty and I often have whistling tournaments. He will whistle a phrase and then look at me waiting for me to make my turn. It is a Greyt way to enhance the bond. They love it when you pick up sounds from them as much as you do when they take your words.

Even when you are not there I believe they like to listen and hear natural sounds but obviously they can't contextualise that way. I do think it is better than silence or the radio although I think Misty quite likes modern jazz .


Steve n Misty

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Aww, I'm going to be gone for a week. Hubby is on bird duty. I feel awful since I am home with them all day. I have a radio that I will play but maybe I should get a small TV for them during the day. I love your birds entertainment schedule Talon. How sweet! This is the first time I will be away from them and I'm already dreading it. I've never heard of the bird babysiter DVD. I will definately look it up.

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Her sound is like a descending whoop. I think she likes the sound of her voice, especially this new sound.



QUOTE=BaileysPapa;296783]Yes, Michelle, Greys have a wide variety of sounds that they will make naturally. They are not the noisiest birds in the forest, but, they do vocalize quite a bit. And they do make up sounds on their own, other than mimicking. Some people may not know this, but, the whistle that we call the "wolf whistle" has been heard in the jungle where nobody could have taught it to the birds. My Bailey does that often, and I cannot whistle, and the breeder said he has done that from a very early age. And when they find a sound that they like, or gets attention or a reaction, they will repeat it over and over. My Bailey also does a high pitched "Whoop!" sound which he seems to enjoy. Which is also a sound he hasn't learned from any of us. I am not familiar with the bird babysitter DVD, so someone else will have to advise you on that.

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We purchased it to play on the days Nala does not go to work with me or the rare occasion she is at home all day (like when we go to get supplies at the bigger town).


We bought it because we can't get a clear radio station to play and our cable automatically turns off after a while.


Well, two days ago she started making this high pitched, rather odd whistle/sound. Over, and over and over etc..... Lol


Do greys make up odd sounds or do they usually only make sounds they have heard somewhere? I was thinking she will experiment with her voice much like a young child does when learning to talk. Nala is almost eight months so I figured she is experimenting with her voice. Am I wrong?


Do you think the bird babysitter DVD may not be a good idea? There are some truly annoying squawks on that DVD. I think it may have a feature where you can select music instead of the actual parrots.


We use it because it has a continuous loop feature.


Rookie Parronting mistake? Advice please?


I always leave something on for background noise when Steve and I are gone. It drowns out infrequent, but decidedly odd house noises that might wig out my flock. Reinforce the sounds Nala makes that you like and ignore the ones you don't like. Because she loves your attention she will be more inclined to make the sounds that her that attention. I am going to check into that DVD too. It might be something that my flock would like.

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I just saw on Einstein's FB feed that his parront's are posting a solid hour of him talking non-stop. I've always wanted to put him on a loop, Greycie gets totally absorbed watching him. Hoping she'll pick some of his words up. He's a cutie.

I have doubts that teaching Greys to talk with a tape or video is a good way. They learn better and more and in context if taught by human person.


Steve n Misty

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It almost sounds like you are describing the high-pitched "wooOOOoo" sound. I think that is a natural Grey sound. Both our birds do that and I know no one here taught them that. It is usually either an exclamation of excitement or a warning when they want someone to get out of their way. (Unheeded, it is followed by a lunge and bite, if it is given in the warning context). I have heard them do it while playing, and when offered something that they really like. Mar was doing it tonight while hanging upside down on the play stand in the kitchen, attacking some dried apple and pasta I put on a skewer for him. I think they were around 8-10 mos. old when they started making that noise.


It sounds like the birdsitter DVD is a good thing for them. Ours all love to listen to other birds. I made a long (1 hour) sound file with layers and layers of different bird sounds so that it sounds like you are in the middle of a busy jungle or forest. Our birds go absolutely wild when I turn it on. They love it! I don't have the birdsitter DVD but it sounds like something similar in concept.

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The bird sitter dvd for those that have never seen it has footage of owners feeding baby birds of all types & ages, close up footage of parrots interacting in trees, playing, being held & cuddled, parrots preening each other, a variety of sounds and birds to watch. I admit I have never sat thru the entire thing, I only see bits & pieces. YOU have the option to have music playing in the background instead of the natural parrot sounds, I feel my birds would rather hear "Bird language" so I keep it on that one.

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Marco gets really fascinated with hearing videos of her or other birds I play online. I dont see that she watches it as much as she listens closely to it but I also dont see that she has picked anything up from it. I dont leave it on for her while Im gone tho so maybe she doesnt get enough exposure to it ... IDK

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