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Sleep tent?


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We don't, mine don't seem to like any kind of covering. We had one for the cockatiel when he was younger, but after reading a horrific story about a little bird getting caught up in a loose thread, it came out and didn't go back in. I'd just check and make sure there are no threads or anything that a toenail might get caught up in whatever kind of tent you get.

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We lost our Amazon several months ago. Our Sunconure is heartbroken. Sophie is snuggling with him on top of cage. I just bought Sunny a sleep tent. He hasn't gone in it yet. Meanwhile, Sophie knows Sunny is upset. She will sleep next to him as long as he needs her.Sophie rules our animal kingdom and knows that. That includes our dogs. She does what she can to make everyone happy, but I try to remove the " responsibility", where I can. Nancy

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No sleep tent for Poly either. What's the purpose? Every evening his cage is covered as soon as he ask for it. When he wants to sleep he just go to his favorite perch and say"Ciao". If I ignore him he will say "Ciao" again and if I do not respond he will send me one of his irritating screams. While covering the cage we exchange one or two "goodnight"s and that is all. No sleep tent, no sleep huts... What is the purpose of sleep tent if you cover the cage and especially if your bird has sleeping cage in a separate room?

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No sleep tents here either. Tried them several years ago. Dayo destroyed his in a few hours having big fun in ripping it to shreds. Our conure looked beaked and ignored it for a week. I just tossed it since it was taking up real estate where a fun toy was put in it's place. :)

Edited by danmcq
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No sleep tent here either, I never tried one with Josey but it is my best guess she wouldn't use it as most greys won't, I do have one in my conure's cage and one in my tiel's but neither one uses it though I think my conure may have used it a little, she does use a snuggle ring.

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No sleep tent for Poly either. What's the purpose? Every evening his cage is covered as soon as he ask for it. When he wants to sleep he just go to his favorite perch and say"Ciao". If I ignore him he will say "Ciao" again and if I do not respond he will send me one of his irritating screams. While covering the cage we exchange one or two "goodnight"s and that is all. No sleep tent, no sleep huts... What is the purpose of sleep tent if you cover the cage and especially if your bird has sleeping cage in a separate room?


I have found that Misty prefers not to have his cage fully covered. He will persistently tell me when he thinks it is bed time "It's bed time!"…"It's bedtime NOW" …. "It's bedtime NOW OK??" But I think that is because he wants me to go and leave him in peace. Once in his sleep cage he tells me "Bedtime baby" and signs off with a squeak.


Steve n Misty

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