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What size Pack-O-Bird do you own? M or the special "African Grey"


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We have been looking at these for several weeks. Taking Nala to and from work in her sleep cage (kings) is bulky and I have to have someone else carry her in it due to the bulk/weight.


We need something more geared toward our active lifestyle that Nala is a part of. We love taking her with us!


For those of you who have this carrier, do we really need the more expensive special African Grey model or just the size M with the upgrade to stainless mesh?


Nala is a CAG and is 8 months. Last weight (as of six days ago) is 361 g. And I'm not sure how much bigger she will get. (?)


Thanks for your help.



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I have the African Grey size with stainless steel mesh. Gracie doesn't like it, so I use a larger travel cage to transport her. Since I'm not using my Pak-O-Bird, I could send it to you. No cost to you. I just want it to be used for the benefit of a grey. Send me a private message if you would like it. It is in mint condition--only used twice.

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I have the African Grey Pak-O-Bird. It is roomy and easy to take anywhere. My husband and I love to go to Art Shows ... and Jake is always with us. It keeps him up high and close to us so he loves it, too. As for weight, Jake is 19 mos old and is still growing. Not sure if that is normal or not. He was around 360 grams when we got him (5+ mos. old) and he now averages 420 grams after the morning poo. We just got a baby male SI Eclectus who is 300 grams. Quite a difference in weight, but Max is just about the same length as Jake is, and fits very well into Jake's Pak-O-Bird, so I will probably get the same one for Max next year (We live in Wisconsin so it's too cold for outings anymore this year.) We really love the Pak-O-Bird for ease of use ... ability to just strap into the car and go ... and then throw the strap over your shoulder and go about your day. What a wonderful offer from JeffNOK! Tough to pass on that generosity!!! (I do not have the fleece cover either.) Good luck!

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