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Touching Video


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I have seen that many times, and it makes me cry every time. But, I'll watch it again & again. I had a very old Grey with arthritis in his feet and legs, and lost the ability to perch. I outfitted his cage in a similar way. And carried him around in a sling around my neck, like you'd use for a broken arm. Special needs birds are special birds.

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Thanks for sharing this jeff. It was bitter sweet. What a joy it is though, to see a family that embraced the event and found ways to still provide a disabled bird friendly environment. You can tell both bird and humans are still enjoying each other and are deeply in love. I enjoy videos and stories like this because they demonstrate a disabled critter need not be put to sleep and forgotten like a throw away device. It demonstrates an example for owners of all types of creatures to follow.

Edited by danmcq
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