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Scarletts new play area.


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I had built a play area, but the newspaper floor looked so crappy in my living room, and everything bounced off the newspapers/wood anyway that I was using as a play gym floor. I saw some trees online that had a sand base to catch all of the food/poop, etc... So I tried to mimic that. :) I'll see if Scarlett likes it. :)



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WOW Shane!!! I was just getting ready to post some photos of the little stand I made for Inara today and by comparison it looks so tiny and simple. Yours just rocks like a boss!! I'm going to have to show yours to my other half, the engineer, and see if yours inspires him to improve on my little table one. hahaha :D Fantastic job, Shane. Your Miss Scarlett looks mighty happy. What a great parront she found. :D

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:) thanks everyone - I really appreciate it. :)

I saw someone elses pvc stand in this forum somewhere, so then I went out and bought pvc too. :)

She is on it nearly all day. :) and the sand is perfect! way easier to clean up then newspapers. (& sand is only $5 for a 50 pound bag at home depot).

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Thanks. wow, sorry to hear about your grey. that is scary.

I thought about that when adding the chain so I attached the chain to various perches to not allow enough slack so that it cannot loop back and make a noose.

I have the bottom hanging loose but she never goes to the bottom, but I'll still attach it to be safe. thanks. and again, glad yours is ok...



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