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New bird Feather plucking question


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This may sound like a stupid question but here it is. We have a 2year old TAG that we just got about 2 weeks ago from her previous owner that couldn't care for her anymore. She appeared to have her chest feathers plucked thin. She seems to be very happy, we are getting along great and the vet says she is healthy. I have not seen her doing more than normal pruning, So I don't think she is still plucking. My question is how long tell her feathers come back in?

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You should start seeing some pin feathers come in any time now. Did you have her at the vet's since you brought her home or is this a statement from her previous owner that she is healthy? If you haven't seen her pluck any more then maybe she wasn't getting enough attention or was getting bored at her previous home but the first thing is to rule out anything physical and then go on from there.

ps there are no stupid questions.

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Watch her, and give her time. Pluckers often stop temporarily when going to a new home. Normal preening is just rearranging her feathers, plucking will be pulling them out, barbering is chewing them off. Keep her occupied, and give her a lot of excited attention. If she'll accept bathing, showering, or misting, that will help with feather issues, and should be part of her new routine, anyway.

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If you think shes just preening and you don't find any feathers on the floor, then its fine. Atleast shes not feather plucking. As for the new feathers. They will take a few weeks/months (1-2 months) to grow back completely. But it should be harmful. You have nothing to worry about if ur TAG is playful, eating well and if the droppings are normal.

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