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How did you choose the name of your parrots?


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I wonder how did you choose the name of your parrots?

My CAG was named Poly long before he was hatched. My first parrot ever (a budgie), some 38 years ago was named Poly because it was probably most common parrot name in the cartoons, movies and comics. I even researched why it is so and what is the meaning of the name. It turns it is shorten from Polynesia. For me it was kind of childish warm feeling choosing Poly name again.

I think that when (if) I will get my second bird I will most probably name it Poly the Second or Poly JR :D

What is your "excuse" for choosing your parrot's name?:)

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My male canary is named Captain Caruso for Enrico Caruso the Italian tenor. My canary is a marvelous singer.

My Tag, Ana Grey: Name just came to me one day after I learned my tag is a girl.

My Cag, Sterling Gris: Sterling is because he is sterling silver in color and Gris is French for Grey.

My BF Zon, Louie, was named Louie when I adopted him and he knows and says the name all the time so how could I change it.

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While I was thinking of getting my first grey, I thought of the name Cockey, and beleive me or not, when the bird arrived and the previous owner asked what they'd called the bird, the answer was Koki, Serbian for Cockey!

So there must have been something premeditated ;)

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Than Cockey/Koki is actually Kosta or Kostadin? Just kidding... :D

Cockey sounds fine and unique for a bird. I can't remember I've heard of a bird of that name. And the name issue WAS NOT COINCIDENCE BUT PREMEDITATION FOR SURE. Cockey was meant to be yours and so the name fits the bird even more.

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Josey got her name because it is in the title of a Clint Eastwood movie, The Outlaw Josey Wales, if you hadn't already came to that conclusion I am a big fan. My sun conure is aptly named Sunny, I know its probably THE most common name for a sun but I liked it and that's all that counts in my book. My cockatiel is named Gypsy because she just dropped in on me one summer in my backyard, that was easy enough.

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My story is boring. The Sun and the Tiel came to me already named. My TAG, Peanut, was named by my granddaughter. I told her she could name the baby because she would inherit him someday. I have no idea why she choose Peanut. I have asked her but she can give me no reason. She was about 6 when we got Peanut.

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When I got my TAG, Bailey, I was thinking of names, made a list, and Bailey was on the list. When I went to the breeders house, she introduced me to the 3 babies she had. One of them was already called Bailey! He was the friendliest, and most inquisitive. So, I knew he was meant for me. Years ago, I had cared for a Macaw that was named Polynesia from the Macaw in Dr. Doolittle.

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My (departed) Congo, Lestat, came to me literally near death's door in the late 70s with the name "Porky." I had recently read Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire, and loved the character of Lestat Lioncourt, so in giving "Porky" a new life, I also gave him the new name of Lestat. Turned out to be very apropos as with love and care he came back to life and lived out the rest of it in dignity, with some wildness, and definitely some rock and roll. (He loved Eric Clapton).


My beautiful Inara had another name when we adopted her. At only two, it was an easy switch to Inara. I'm a life long science fiction lover, and the very short-lived but brilliant Joss Whedon series, "Firefly," is one of my all time favorite shows. In it, is a very beautiful, elegant, intelligent, "companion," who knows how to fly (her own shuttlepod). Hence, "Inara," which is Persian for "from the heavens/sky."

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I named Isaac after Isaac Newton just out of respect for his intelligence. Isaac does his fair share of defying gravity rather than defining it though. I should have named him "'Little boooooyyeee" though cause that's who he think s he is. Only because when I come home I get ridiculously excited to see him and say, "Hiiiiiii litttllleee booooyyyeee!". Now I am treated to this welcome when I come home. LOL. Funny.

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Bubba, Bongo, Cotay, Gabby, Gus and Lilly all came with their names. Oliver came with the name Jake but when he got here he had just the one row of green feathers over his eyes and he looked like a stuffed olive, ergo the name Oliver. We tried to rename Bongo to Stewart (from the SNL skit, "Look what I can Do" !!) Yeah, didn't work, when we would look right at him and say Stewart, he would look behind him as if to say, "Just who are you talking too? Your looking at me but that isn't my name, someone must be behind me!".

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I named him Phoenix and the breeder started calling him that right away. I know it's a common name but to me it represented strength. He's not talking yet and he may never talk but he gives kisses, meows, makes sounds like a monkey does the wolf whistle and goes woof woof along with a ton of other sounds. lol I love him so much!

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Bubba, Bongo, Cotay, Gabby, Gus and Lilly all came with their names. Oliver came with the name Jake but when he got here he had just the one row of green feathers over his eyes and he looked like a stuffed olive, ergo the name Oliver. We tried to rename Bongo to Stewart (from the SNL skit, "Look what I can Do" !!) Yeah, didn't work, when we would look right at him and say Stewart, he would look behind him as if to say, "Just who are you talking too? Your looking at me but that isn't my name, someone must be behind me!".



We have a Stewart - named from the SNL skit. He's always getting in trouble so the name fit.

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All beautiful names! If I EVER get another bird, I will name it Lola! ( If it was a girl!) An ongoing joke. A physician from China couldn't say Laura. He called her Lola! I LOVED it and started calling her Lola. Now everyone calls her Lola! She has a cockatoo, so we talk about our birds all the time. I told her " I really LIKE the name Lola". She likes it too. If I had a boy, I would name him Maxamillian, Max for short. Named after my best friend " Max", my 18 year old Lhasa Apso, who taught my Zoey and Ollie, present pups, all he knew. ESPECIALLY... Sophie is special... always listen to her. Max fell in love with Sophie within a day. Max is gone now... but his legacy continues. Nancy

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Okay... NOW I am upset talking about Max. He was such an AWESOME dog! Blind as a bat, but when Sophie first came home, so did Ollie our pup. Max would charge Ollie if he was too rough getting to know Sophie. It was just a few weeks difference when Sophie came to live here. It amazed me that Max loved her the moment he sniffed her. Max hung on to life several months until he felt comfortable that Ollie understood Sophie was now going to rule our animal kingdom. Of course, I always monitored dogs interaction with Sophie.

Sophie, now rules our kingdom. She still mentions max, and imitates his bark. I LOVE her for that. Nancy

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