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Something under my parrot beak


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My African grey parrot has something under his beak (please check the picture) the dr told me to give him antibiotic in water but he is not getting better can you please help me?


Many thanks,


Wer'e not vets here so any answers would only be guesses. We would tell you that you have to go an AVIAN VET and have that checked out. That may be a cyst or a tumor or an abnormal growth or an infection and more than likely would need to be throughly checked with medical tools. Many people have to sometimes get 2 opinions from different AVIAN VETS, not regular vets. Regular vets don't normally treat birds and they mostly work on cats and dogs and reptiles and rodents.

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Antibiotics in the water are never a good idea. You cannot control the dose because you cannot be assured that the bird will drink all the water. For antibiotics to be the most effective, they must maintain a constant level in the blood and varying dosages will not do this. Antibiotic doses should be very consistent and at very regular intervals. Also, giving low levels, what is referred to as sub-therapeutic doses, can actually do more harm that good by giving the bacteria a taste but not killing them. This allows them to build resistance. There are many new antibiotics on the market. The one Little Budgie is on is a once a day (Oh thank you, Lord!) for 14 days ordeal, making it easier on both of us.


Disclaimer: I'm not a vet (I'm a nurse for humans) but just from the glance at the picture it does appear to possibly be a cyst that has opened. This can cause problems because if not treated properly the infection can remain in the little pocket that is left and eventually cause complications. I agree with the others that an avian vet needs to be consulted. They can give a thorough exam and see things that a picture won't show, and give you an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Best of luck with your bird.

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Is it actually some "thing" under the beak?? To me it looks like your grey just lost some feathers and this must be her body that you can see...Because that's wat I used to worry about before and I realized that it was nothing but a few feathers which weren't there and was jus the parrots skin!

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Your bird needs attention! The fact that is feathers are fluffed, looks happy, is a good thing! I agree with Muse, as we are human nurses, can't tell what is going on. No difficulty breathing I hope which is a GOOD sign, but this issue is over the trachea, which can lead to severe problems. Find an avian vet as soon as possible. Muse is right about the antibiotics. NEVER dilute in water. Nancy

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