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My first video of Scarlett - in case U R like me & watch all vids of Greys :)


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Scarlett is doing very well to be already sitting outside her cage and giving you a grey interlude. That is a sign of a relaxed and happy grey. Oh, we love watching other grey videos, seeing photos and reading about them. So keep the updates and videos coming! Thanks for sharing this. :)

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Scarlett is joyful and charming. Hearing you laugh with her, clearly her joy is contagious. What was really funny at my house was when I had your video on and heard my husband whistle back to her when he thought it was Gilda. LOL. I thought I heard her say "step up" and "come on". This match is clearly meant to be. Congratulations on finding your new love.

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How delightful is she??! I definitely also heard her say, "step up," "come," and pretty sure I heard her say "tickle" and she was definitely blowing you kisses. :D Between listening to you and listening to her, I don't know which of you is the more delighted to have found the other. What a great match, Shane!


The only youtube I've posted of Inara so far is just her saying, "What the quack?!" LOL


Great idea to ask for members' youtubes channels so that we can subscribe. I'm now going to go comb the forums for more videos and do some subscribing thanks to you (like I need another reason to watch Grey vids! haha).

Edited by Inara
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Hi thanks for all of the videos, I subscribed to the channels. :) thank you. these parrots are amazing.

I know my video was kind of boring, but I recorded it initially to share with my sister, my mother, nephew, etc. so yeah it's not super exciting, but it is to me. lol.


I think I spoiled her though... My work desk is set up in my living room and she just has to be right next to my desk or she just goes on and on until I move the play area next to my desk. lol.


@katana600 -> that is pretty funny.

it happened to me but in reverse... I was watching the youtube videos and scarlett started replying to the parrots from the videos... it's almost midnight and I got her started up. LOL


thank you everyone for the replies, compliments, comments, and videos!

have a great weekend

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She is adorable! It's pretty clear she's comfortable with you. I watched it with Delilah, who--after being pretty gregarious last night on her first evening home, seems a bit "hungover" today. She's been pretty quiet. The video certainly caught her interest!


Please share more, Shane!

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Here's a quick video. She let me scratch her head. this was actually the second time. the first time was the day before and it was real late and I tried to put her in the cage but she wouldn't step up, she just kept bowing her head. lol.


truthfully she looked like she was about to bite me, so I stopped. lol. I doubt she was, but she did bite me already and I'm not anxious to repeat that. lol.


P.S. my floor is not usually that messy.. lol. and im not usually that goofy but I was bonding.... lol.


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Those bonding moments are so special in the early days! In my experience it is wise to be cautious. When I rehomed Timber and we progressed to head scratching, he wasn't 100% sure he could trust me. He wanted his head scratched badly, but he was still nervous and a little fearful. Taking it slow is the way to go in my opinion. I had my share of bites early on. Even now, I still risk getting "the beak" if I don't watch his body language carefully!

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oh yeah, I'm cautious. I pet her for an hour today, but still worried if I touch one wrong feather.. she may bite me. lol


do your greys chat chat chat until you let them out? whew, today she was going bezerk until I got out of bed and let her out.

no sleep. lol

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shane... she has already established " contact calls" to you. Repeat what she whistles in another room. Spend a few days playing this game with her.She is ready to go! Now... are YOU ready? Make sure you are comfortable...If she bites you, its no big deal. I don't think she will bite you.If she does... it won't be a bad bite. I feel strongly, that she wants to develop a relationship. Make sure you are taller than her, and only pick her up off the door. Put your pointer finger of your dominant hand, put it behind her feet and tell her to " stepup!" I am sure she will. Once she does, make sure she stays on wrist, and give her a tour of your home. If she acts nervous or stressed, return her to the door of her cage. Thank her for her time, and let her know how much fun you had. Your bird is ready! Nancy

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@kins2321 -> Yeah she was ready :) thanks. today she spent about 2 hours sitting on my arm while I was in my chair watching the football game. lol I pet/ scratched her head the entire time. and every time I stopped. She would walk over to my hand and hit it with her head. lol she's a great parrot.

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Sooo happy for you guys! She was beggin for the relationship to evolve.She has sooo much to offer... now it is up to you. Don't wait for her to give you the sign, she is ready. Practice stepup, stepdown. Wrist status only. Practice daily. It is also important to establish bedtime. 0800 is a common time for greys to go to bed.

Sophie has got that all down! I hurt her feelings tonite, when I was stressed to study quickly. I usually have more time to study, and include her. I don't have the extra time, and put her back in bird room with door closed. I know she was upset. She LOVES to study with me, but I am on a time restriction! I feel so bad that I have hurt her feelings! She IS my baby.... I will have to make it up to her. Nancy

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