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Jacko pooped on me, how to react?


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Hello everyone,


I took Jacko out of his cage, he was as usual calm and friendly.

When I sat down in the sofa (he sat on my shoulder) I felt him wiggling with this tail.

And before I knew it, the largest poop I saw in my life just ran down my back. :eek:

All over my back, my jeans and a pillow. I calmly stood up and put him on his cage to change clothes and clean it.


Now, it's the first time this happened, how should I react in the future?


And no, I didn't take pictures. :P

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The thing is Greys do not like pooping in their cages any more than you would in your home except the toilet. I expect Jacko had been ready to burst when you let him out. With Misty the first thing I do with him when he comes out in the morning is take him to the bathroom. I have a curtain rail over the bath. Once on there it's bombs away and then a quick flush. He has perches around our room and the floor below is prepared to catch his poops. As a rule this arrangement works fine but if he is on my shoulder or knee for any length of time I am always on the alert for the crouch down and put him on a suitable perch or take him to the bathroom. Any time I need to go he comes with me.

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Yep as others said, that first morning bomb is a biggy. I do the same as others. I quickly take my grey over to the kitchen sink and he goes immediately. But, if he is left in the cage until say 9am, that morning bomb has already taken place. Really, you should not react at all other than to calmly get up, place your grey some where or take them with you and clean it off. Pretty soon you'll become used to being pooped on and just continue happily sitting or walking around with your grey AND the poop on you. Oh.... PS...... Check your shirt BEFORE you go out shopping, dining or to a friends house..... embarrassing.... I know this from previous experience.... I came home from shopping one day and my wife see's me walk by and says "You went out like that, with poop all down your back?? Arrrrgh!! :P

Edited by danmcq
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Only my CAG is a big pooper. When I first let him out of his cage, he immediately goes to the boing in the birdroom and bombs away onto the waiting newspaper. He is like clockwork. No one poops on me as I do not carry my parrots around on my shoulder. They follow me by flying after me or me chasing after them. I have perches in every room and they are all familiar with them and know that is where they belong when out of their cages.

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Maybe we should start a "Bombs away!" club like the "Bite Me" club. For owners who have been 'blessed.' Megan is so intelligent she immediately figured out that we did not like being pooped on. She rarely does, and at times I swear it's retaliatory. One time they were on daddy's shoulder and he was playing a video game. She was on one side, and Mar on the other. She actually leaned back to look at Mar around daddy's head, and said "Go potty, Mar. Come on, do it, do it! Hahahahaha (evil chuckle)." Mar on the other hand, was very slow to potty train. He's a BIG boy, who loves to eat, and thus always has pretty awesome poops. He has gotten to the point where he will back WAY up, to try to miss you, which usually does but leaves a slight wet trail, especially on my behind, which umm...let's say it extends a bit further than he can back up on my shoulder. Maks just goes where ever and does not care, Alex actually learned on his own to fly to the stand, go and fly back. I honestly cannot remember the last time he pooped on me. And the Green Cheeks were always good about it - as soon as they could move, they would fly off me to poop. Little budgie? That bird is a pooping machine and goes WHEREVER (and EVERY WHERE) despite all efforts to discourage. At least they are tiny!


I do let the fids know I am not happy about being used as a poop station. I use a firm voice and say something like "Aww. You made mommy get the not-happy face! Look at this mess I have to clean up. We don't poop here. We poop on the stand!"


All the birds (even the budgie) know the "not-happy face" and actively avoid it, lol.

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If I had a penny for every time I have been pooped on then I would be able to retire now instead of waiting, I don't pay any attention to it anymore as I only wear old t-shirts at home when the birds are out and always change if I am going out, my sun conure has a habit of chewing on my tops so I don't dare wear anything I normally wear when going out.

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If I had a penny for every time I have been pooped on then I would be able to retire now instead of waiting, I don't pay any attention to it anymore as I only wear old t-shirts at home when the birds are out and always change if I am going out, my sun conure has a habit of chewing on my tops so I don't dare wear anything I normally wear when going out.


All of my T shirts have ragged necks and shoulders and many of my shirts have lost buttons.


Steve n Misty

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Thank you for all the nice replies!


Really interesting that some of you managed 'potty training' or got a routine going on this.

Jacko has never pooped when he was on me, and I definitely know the signs of 'I'm gonna poop!' :D.


When he's on a chair and I see the signal I'll go: "Wait, wait, Jacko, waaaait!" whilst running to get some paper. Usually he holds it then, but I guess this time it was too much.

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Agreed on those morning or after nap cow patties! Most birds don't poop when they sleep, so there can be some serious business happening after they wake up and their system starts moving. Inara steps onto my hand first thing in the morning from her roosting perch, and then I just squat down so that she is near the bottom of her cage, and she then gets comfy and drops the bomb. I clean her cage daily after breakfast so it's not a big deal and she doesn't have to rush. When she's on my shoulder and needs to go, she will give me a little nudge on the cheek with her beak and do a little two step dance. I missed that body language the first time she did it -- needless to say, after the second time I became a pretty quick study. :D :D


I keep a vinyl office chair pad in front of the sofa, so when she is hanging out on my knee, if she scoots back and drops, it's an easy clean up. Certainly, they can be potty trained. I just have a feel for her basic rhythms, and am not feeling the need to do any training in that regard.


Poop happens.

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Just know that first thing in the morning they are going to poop, as they haven't gone all night long. Don't take it personally, and don't react at all. It is just a matter of learning YOUR bird's schedule. My guy poops big, without fail, in the morning, as soon as he is out of his cage. I know this and position him appropriately. If he sits with me for any length of time he has never pooped on me. He seems to know that it is not a good thing to do. I am glad.

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