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I'm off to pick up my new Grey Parrot! Am very excited!


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thanks Katana600, :) yes I'm very happy. I haven't been able to work yet though. lolol. She keeps me very occupied. I'm going to try and work today... the key word is "try".


If Scarlett is anything like Misty she will be only too keen on helping you do your work. For anything involving the use of keyboards, paper, concentration, small components I am sure you will find her assistance invaluable.:rolleyes: In fact if you are able to hold on to your sanity after a while you may have to resort to temporary incarceration (Scarlett not you).;) At this point you will begin to suffer guilt pangs as you are subjected to insults alternating with heartrending pleading. I can only wish you luck in finding Scarlett a preferential distraction. As you might guess I am relating to you from personal experience and if it is any comfort Misty and I are still the best of friends after nearly ten years together.


Steve n Misty

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Our babies... ARE great assistants! Might as well stock up on keyboards now! LOL! Sophie our grey, is a drama queen. I'm pretty tough when my birds are naughty and don't let them give me the " guilt trip!" Comes from raising boys. But Sophie.... knows how to get to me. I " suck" when it comes to being tough with her. Ryan my oldest son, makes fun of me.He is off at college in North Carolina, but skypes with Sophie every week. They have a special bond. Ryan will be home for Christmas... Sophie will go crazy with happiness. I of course will be an " afterthought", I am soooo excited for her. He got a dog though.... and I told him the dog needs to stay at his dads. I won't compromise Sophie's safety or feelings. He is okay with that. Nancy


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@mistyparrot - > I can already tell it will be hard to work... lol. I am going to move the cage next to my desk.. I'll leave the door open of course.. Shes out from when I wake up until I go to bed..


@parrotlady -> thanks, I always joke around and tell people that my wife is scarlett Johansson, so when I saw that these parrots tails were red, it fit perfectly. lol


@MKParrot -> thanks. Initially I didn't realize I was "in" the video laughing as much.. it was just that she was on a roll. lol. and I couldn't help it..


@kins2321 -> that is incredible that they Skype together! you should video that! lol would be great to see that. lol


@chezron -> I have a travel cage, so yeah that is a good idea.. I'm going to wait another week though. She is happy with me, but I don't want to mess anything up yet.. I touched her foot with my thumb today and I sware she got mad... lol. I think she was debating if she should bite me or not. lol but she didn't.

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