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Hello i got some questions about theafrican grey


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No take it from me you need to do at least a to years research.I had keets and tiels before and I still done alot of research.You're talking about a whole diff catergory of bird. Alot more attention is to be met with a larger bird.

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If you have never had birds before, you need to start out with something smaller and less demanding than a grey. I say this because there are so many birds including greys that need rescued all the time by people that thought it would be cool to own one and then find out they can't live with it.


Do the research thoroughly, read thru our many threads and read some more before you make a decision for getting a grey is a lifetime committment and it not to be taken lightly.


Let me ask you one question, why did you choose a grey for a first bird?

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I would recommend budgies, keets, cockatiels or even conures are good ones to start with. I personally have a sun conure that was my first parrot and she is different from the grey in lots of ways. Then later if you still want to get a grey then you will be better prepared for the larger bird, just don't rush into getting a grey until you get all the facts you need to know.


I'm really not trying to talk you out of getting a grey if that is what you want, but since you have never had any kind of bird before, a grey does not make a good first choice.


If and when you do decide to purchase a grey we will help you in any way we can but I just ask you make sure that is really what you want to do before you take the plunge for the bird's sake.

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Hi Arfus, judy has given you great advice,please dont rush into a grey, you will find the majority of members spent at least a year researching them before committing to one.

Conures seem to be a popular small bird,i have cockatiels & they are great little birds full of character.

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I disagree somewhat. My grey was my first bird, and the only bird I wanted. I did do a tonne of research brought books looked at forums and such but for me I wanted a grey and I did not see any point wasting my time and money on another bird to train for a parrot.


I wanted the grey for its intelligence and speaking ability, and I am thankful I did not start off with and still have another bird. In an apartment one parrot is enough, and for the attention Tui gets, one parrot is enough, (hell ask any of my friends who comes first and how often I say no to outings).


If you want a grey commit to it, learn as much as you can, and then be prepared to loose much of your spare time and alot of your social life. Your grey will like any children come first and it is a giant step from being 'single' to having a grey parrot, like it is being single to having a baby.


Part of being prepared I think is to be ready to make the committment.

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Guest briansmum

i agree with zarlock. my grey was my first bird too, i did a lot of research into different birds and really had my heart set on a grey. and it was about 6 months before i found a breeder and another two until i got him home.


i did as much research as i possibly could and me and my grey are doing fine.. please guys do not be so quick to judge us first timers.


but if you are not prepared to sit and think long and hard, do all the relevent research (months and months of reading) and preparation and then give up a lot of your time (and most of your money) then a grey is not the bird for you... no large parrot is. however if you do have the commitment and know in your heart no matter how much hard work the bird is you will love it not matter what then do not rule out a grey, just know your stuff first :)

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