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Great day


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Today was a good day for Gracie, Yesterday she spent a lot of time sleeping, I think that's what she spent most of her time doing in her old home. I balled up paper and tossed that in, I put an almond in one and a ball with a bell on it. She loves it!!! She already knows to go to the bottom of the cage and fell around with her feet for fun stuff and goodies what a smart girl:)


She was awake a lot more today!! We would whistle back and forth that went on for about 3 hours LOL I would tell her how pretty and she would do it again, At one point I was up stairs taking care of my Ring neck polly heard her whistle ran to the stairs and told her how pretty that was!! LOL She now comes to the font of the cage when i call her name <3 My Standard Poodle Onyx is so confused by this talking bird LOL!

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I think you are seeing the beginning of the blossoming of Gracie and since she is being stimulated more by her surroundings and you calling to her and answering it will only get better and better, how sad she was kept caged and locked up all by herself, what a delight she is becoming. Gracie is like a pretty little flower bud opening her petals, see her beauty as she unfolds.

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Play a game with her. Make contact call to her when in another room. Teach her " wolf whistle", see if she imitates it. It is Sophie's favorite game for more than a decade. I start a whistle, she returns. Of course Sophie is 13 and has been playing this game forever, so the " contact calls" in rooms that separate us, have become more complexed. She breaks into rap that kids taught her... I lose! LOL! I go get her and let her know she wins. She is thrilled and gives me her " approval" cluck. Nancy

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