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So Angry!!!


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Now that Gracie is here I am just so mad about how she was kept! I am almost 99./9% sure she is all the way blind in one eye and part in the other if not almost all the way. We will know more in a few weeks after a vet visit. her cage has ONE toy in it and its really not even a toy she swing on it./ The perches are horrible I will be ordering rope perches thursday I hope she likes them. I gave her that cardboard and she went to town on it LOL./


She LOVES food lol she had eggs this morning and pomegranate this after noon, My ring neck goes made for that fruit LOL, I am starting to train her to know what I am about to do. When I offer her food I say Graice treat, Then had her the food.


This afternoon I was talking to her telling her she was so pretty, She came over and kept standing very tall and then would whistle and make this loud clicking noises not sure if that means she likes it or not.

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That is just so saddening. Thank God she found a loving and caring home in you. Your a GreYt Parront and I have no doubt she will flourish with you as her guardian angel. It sounds like she liked your voice, praise and talking to her. Greys are empathic and can feel your emotions. With her limited vision, hearing is increased in efficiency and important to her. For all we know. the clicking may be acting as a little direction sonar for her as well. :)

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Gracie is so lucky to finally have a loving, caring parront. I'm so glad you are talking to Gracie and letting her know what is happening or going to happen. Our greys are so intentive to what we have to say and try so hard to understand us. Gracie is a lucky lady that you are so willing to help her understand. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some pictures when you think it is appropriate to do so.

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Well bless her little heart. It makes me feel so sad when any living creature is neglected and kept in unhealthy surroundings. Gracie is so blessed that you were her "meant to be" human, and that she can now live out her life with the love, care, and respect that she deserves. She will flourish under your care, and you will each discover many wonderful things about each other. Thank you for keeping us posted on how she (and you) are doing.

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What great instincts and intuition you have. Knowing where Gracie has been will be a huge bonus to you in thinking of the world through her experience. Being that her vision is compromised, as Dan says, her other senses will be heightened. My thought are for her being a prey animal and hearing sounds long before we would and having no way to know what those sounds are. Since you are talking to her, reassuring and letting her know where you are, when you are approaching and that you have something good for her has to be utopia for the little lady.

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Aww. so sad to hear what her poor life was prior to you. You have done a wonderful thing in rescuing her. You will be surprised at how well she does once she understands your home and sounds. I rescued a blind cat over a year ago. He gets around so well, climbs on the counters, table, couch tops and does incredibly well. We use finger snapping sounds & tap lightly on his food bowls to help him find things. He has become very verbal as well just to know we are around. Maybe your grey will make more sounds once he settled in.

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Timber whistles and clicks when he is the center of attention and wants to be interactive, so that sounds like totally normal, engaged behavior to me.


When I'm coming into the room from upstairs, like first thing in the morning, I always whistle and talk so Timber knows it is me. This may not be necessary and he may know my footfalls by now, but it has became a habit from when I didn't want to startle him.

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Nancy makes a great point. In time you will be able to read Gracie's vocalizations and body language so well that you will begin to work in synch together better and better. It will be like a mostly harmonious ballroom dance. I don't have to tell you who will be leading most of the time. :)

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When I inherited a very old Grey, he had vision problems. I kept him in a low cage, meant for Guinea Pigs, because he was also arthritic and didn't climb much anymore. I also gave him platform perches with ladders, and kept his food & water bowls low. You may need to do similar things for Gracie. Though I have known several blind birds who fared very well, once they were familiar with new surroundings. Thank you for helping this angel.

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