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2.5 month old baby


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Sam got "step up" almost mastered today. She is refusing formula now and only took 25cc in the morning and 35cc in the evening. She is eating pellets and sunflower seeds in the daytime + vegetables. She also drinks water on herself. She has no trouble eating the solids, but I am worried a bit that at 3 months old, can she digest solids yet? She isn´t very keen on soaked pellets and seeds.

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Nice update on Sam. It sounds like things are going along wonderfully now. Yes she can digest solids. She is slowing being weaned at her pace which is great rather than pushing her like some people try to do. Your doing a GreYt job. I hope you may have time to post some photos as well soon. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Hello again, I am worried over her weight now. She used to be 417 grams when she got 2 feedings a day both feedings 50-60cc. She now accepts 25-40cc both times and eats pellets, seeds, veggies during daytime. Weight is now 404 grams. She isnt flying yet but she is pretty active. I know they lose some weight when weaning but this drop is making me nervous. Also, in your experience, when do they stop growing weight-wise? How much more drop can i expect in near future? How much additional food should she have now and should the weight stay constant? Pellets or seeds are always available in a bowl. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.

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That slight of a weight loss is not really anything to worry about. It sounds like she is eating plenty with a good appetite. They will start eating less and lose weight as they prepare to start fledging as you stated. The other thing is, now that she is taking in less formula, she is not as hydrated from the formula which translates in terms of less fluids in the body equals weight loss. My grey continued to gain weight over a two year period and has remained at the same weight since then. In that first 2 year period he went from the 430's to 480's slowly gram by gram and has remained there for the last 5 years.

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I weighed her again in the evening today before evening formula and she was now just 390 grams! She still is eating all the seeds and most of fruit that we supply, but doesnt touch pellets and veggies as much. As this is the time of weaning-learning to fly, should I increase the food amounts that she likes, so that she doesnt lose too much weight or try to get her to eat the pellets no matter what? She is only taking about 10ml formula per feeding now.

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The whole point of weighing your grey first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and after the first big bomb is so you know the actual weight that should remain fairly consistent. Weight taken after they have just eaten or at other various times of the day are not consistent at all. Since your grey is fledging, it is going to reduce food intake which equals weight loss and makes lift of and flight easier. All birds always lose weight when starting to fledge. Once fledged, they put the weight back on. Your a GreYt Parront watching over your baby the way you do. :)

Edited by danmcq
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I don't know what a mung bean looks like so I'm not sure if Timber eats them or not. I keep sprouted seed available all the time with his other fresh food. His other bean mixes are cooked. I just got curious when I saw this question as to whether there were any beans in his mix. I knew I'd seen garbanzo in there, but didn't realize there were any other beans.


A mung bean is what turns into a long thick sprout which is white. They're about 2 to 3 in long. It's what the chinese restaurants put into their different fried rice dishes.


In case you're chinese this says the same thing



Edited by Dave007
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She indeed took her first flight today (not including few jumps before today) - about 3-4 meters. So proud :D One thing that is bizarre is that she has now slept on the bottom of the cage 3 nights in the row. I have read that young greys may do that once in a while, but it got me worrying again, after she did this again tonight. When I open the door she is happy and nibbling me, running straight to my shoulder and her eating is not worse than before I think. Sorry, if i´m posting about every detail in here, this also serves as my personal diary, keeping facts so that I can check them. Also, your wisdom the greyt people that help me out is much appreciated!

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I dont know if it is possible already, but I think she is kind of resentful of me, when I put her in her cage. Maybe she wants me to know that she doesnt like to be put there. She used to stay on the middle perch where the food bowls are, but now instantly climbs to the bottom. I dont know if I should put the food bowls down as well. She was 375 grams this morning, what do you think, how much more lower can her weight get? What is the weight in her case that I should be alarmed from? If I take Sam out of the cage, she is very active, flies every once in a while and plays with everything.

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She would rather be out with you than in the cage. This is true of all parrots. Leave her bowls where they are. On the bottom they can become contaminated to easily. The average amount of weight an african grey will lose when they are fledging is 10 to 15 percent. Thus if she weighs 400 grams before fledging she could lose up to 40 grams for example.

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She is very social and loves scratches and sitting on our shoulders, which we allow because then she can come with us to other rooms quickly and be more of a part of our everyday lives. Plus she doesnt poop on us anymore, but chooses to hold it in until we put her on the floor or table. Her weight is now 360 which is roughly 12% weight loss from before fledging so I guess that should be ok. One concern is, that I have started to train her a bit. I dont want to get her to obey my every order, but my goal is that if I need her to come here quickly then she will. At the moment if she is going to fly, then most of the time she will choose the landing site herself. She has learned from my cockatiel that the perfect place for this is my head (ha, I actually think its kind of cute at the moment). Or she will fly to my wife who is in the other room instead of coming to me. She isnt very motivated by treats, so will have to work on finding the perfect one.

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"I dont want to get her to obey my every order"


Oh don't worry, she won't! Especially as she hits 6 months old and onwards. :P


It sounds like her flying is going very well. It's always nice when there is another bird the can watch and learn the good spots form. But, the head needs to be a no fly zone. You can do that by nodding your head as they try to land on it. They will learn quickly it is not a good landing spot. The weight will start picking up again soon. :)

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I got to admit, I was a bit too worried about her weight as she was 350 grams this morning so I took out the big guns and gave her grapes, pomegranate and peeled sunflower seeds through out the day in addition to normal food. I know this is taking the easy way out and giving her the foods that she preferres, but I really am worried and plan to keep this diet up until she is picking the weight up again, then start lessening the sunflower seeds and balancing things out again. I know this diet isn´t exactly healthy, but this is what I have done today, judge me please.

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Oh the flight are not the problem anymore.. She will fly all day, any day, anywhere.. Newest addition to skills is climbing with the help of flapping. Never thought that birds could get to places where she is climbing now lol. Another thing I would not have believed before is the jealousy! Like I wrote before I have a tiel that was here before Sam, so I try to divide my attention between them two + my two kids. When Sam sees me petting my tiel Jack, she gets all restless and starts to squeak like a little puppy and climbing up anything to get to the same place as Jack. Another thing - there is heavy competition amongst them - if I sctrached Jack then Sam will get on my hand. Then Jack will jump on my knee, then Sam will go to my shoulder, then Jack will fly to my head. Actually they get along brilliantly and call eachother out constantly when they are in separate rooms, which to me seems like they accept eachother as their flock. Only time they get nippy with eachother is when they share a plate of food and the food will start to run out - then it´s every man for itself.


She is enjoying the baths now, enjoying the scratches and wants to be a part of our life every minute of the day. So all in all, she´s wonderful :) Only thing that my mrs. doesnt like is that Sam nibbles and gives little play-bites when she wants something really bad or when she tries to give her a kiss. I dont mind that (as I have discovered I enjoy pain in some sort of twisted way, plus shes so cute anyway). Will want to look into fixing the biting in the future.

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Ok, worried now. 343 today, didnt want to eat since morning only nibbles on food once in a while. Dropped from 349 yesterday. As the beginning weight that I got her in, was 410 grams, now the weight drop is more than 15%. I gace her a cuttlefish bone and she is going nuts with it. Her tests were ok, when I got her, but I dont think they do these tests in Estonia, will look into it on Monday as nobody works on weekends here. Is it safe to give the entire cuttlefish bone? Maybe she feels like she needs it as she wont stop chewing it. I also gave her baby formula again tonight and she took 25 cc although she didnt agree to half of it (didnt run away but didnt open beak as well, so I waited for the right moment). Please answer, as you can see I´m worried. I also gave her walnuts and normal everyday food. Only thing that I did differently since yesterday was yesterday nights aloe vera shower mixed with water. Maybe she didnt like that and felt insulted today?

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