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Scary Stuff


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Something wicked this way comes, people! It's almost Halloween ...

What scares you? C'mon, spill it! Scary movie? Scary book you've read? Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Have you ever seen or sensed a ghostly presence?


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Guest briansmum

everything scares me! i have a nervous disposition. the slightest "bump in the night" and im up checking the house while my other half moans "it was the boiler!!"


i watch scary movies from behind a pillow and spend the following two days checking there a no ghosts, zombies, aliens or such like in my house.


now if you'll excuse me i need to go call the ghost busters :lol: ;)

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ok I will tell you something....before we remodeled the daycare I took pics of the remodeling. They were developed.I looked through them noticed a pic of a baby in a pink thermal outfit like one years old she looked. I looked at our negatives because at the time I didnt take n children younger than three yrs. I looked at my negative it was black. The picture shows a faint looking baby and she is going into a light. I KID YOU NOT !! I still have the pic and it scares me at times. I also lived in an apt before and I would hear a baby cry and it meant someone in the building was pregnant. I would hear cries throughout the pregnancy of whoever was in the apt. unit.Pretty weird stuff. So far havent had anything going on since 2000

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Not much scares me & i have an open mind on spirits, ghosts etc.. my hubby swears our first home we purchased many years ago had a ghost.


just a few nights ago my daughter yelled at me she could here a noise in her bedroom,we were all in bed & have no neighbours near ! i rushed in to investigate the noise ?? her ipod was on in her bag playing music :laugh:

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Thinking about Iran with nukes scares the Hell out of me...mostly global warmongering or dictators.


Also, the shape of planet earth, environment etc. in fear of how my grandchildren's world may look in 50 years.....


Other than that, bring on the spooks, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, goblins etc. Ive watched all the movies and know how to do each of them in. :-)

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Well, my scariest movie of all time was The Exorcist. I saw it at about age 12 on network TV, so it was pretty cleaned up, and had nightmares for what seemed like forever. It still scares me! Then, to make matters worse, I was stupid enough to read the book. And was scared to death all over again...

I can't say that I truly believe in ghosts/spirits, because I've never had any real life experience with anything like that. But I have an open mind. Many claim to have had experiences, so who knows?

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Guest briansmum

i watch the scary movies because steve likes them, and it's the only way i can get him to watch the ones i like with me :laugh:

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Well Beccy, it is better to have your man by your side if you are going to watch scary movies, but my hubby does not much care for them, so I end up watching them by myself.


But like Dan, after watching all the scary movies with all the different kinds of villians and aliens, yes we know how to take care of them if we ever see any of them.

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Here's something weird that happened to me...

My alarm clock went off this morning (yay) and I stumbled into the kitchen only to find the coffee NOT going. Puzzled, I was checking out the coffee maker to see what was wrong when I noticed it was 3:00 am. (I get up normally at 5:00.) Further puzzled, I went back to my bedroom to see if I'd screwed up setting the alarm clock, but it was fine, set for the right time.

Hmmm...Poltergeist? Really old alarm clock that needs replacing? Over active imagination?


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I am more fascinated by "scary" things than frightened. I too believe in after life and the other side. What convinced me apart from a few personal encounters? The book by Rosemary Althea called "the Eagle and The Rose". Those of you in the UK have probably heard of her. I have read her books and heard her speak.Amazing.

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I dont' get scared by many things, I've lived alone for so long it's just best that I tune things out. I worked at a hospital for 4 years graveyard shift, in what used to be the first morgue ever built in this town in the basement of the hospital...I saw and heard LOTS of weird stuff, although I've never actually seen a spirit or anything like that, but I'm open minded and believe anything is possible really!

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