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Today is the day!


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In about 2 hours we will be going to pick Gracie up, I told her owners to please have her in the carrier when I get there. They only live 15 mins from me so the ride will be fast. Not sure if they cage is going to need to be deep cleaned or not we will see. Wish me luck that everything goes smooth :););)

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We are here, She did so good!!!! She is blind in one eye but that does not seem to slow her down, She is talking up a storm I can pick out a few things that she is saying. The cage is a nice size but very sad, A few perches all the same size and ONE toy :( I am going to string some card board to the side of the cage right by the perch she seems to sit on alot and get her to chew that. I have dogs and I did not want them to bother her while she is so new so I put a pen around the cage so the dogs can look from a far to give her space. I will put some pics of her very soon :)

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I am so glad to hear it is going well for her in the transition to her new forever home but do be prepared for a few setbacks as she settles in and more of her true personality comes out but you are off to a great start, looking forward to seeing some pictures when you get the chance.

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When I saw a new post with your name and knew you brought her home, I was squealing with delight and Gilda (formerly Gilbert) is whistling and celebrating too. So glad that its going well from the onset and that she is talking, all good signs. I am so looking forward to watching your progress. You are going to love having her as a companion.

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So excited for you! Keep us updated how things go.I will never forget our ride home with Sophie adopted at age two. We knew nothing about Greys. She managed to open the cage driving home and climbed on my shoulder wagging her tail! Kids were freaking out screaming. LOL! Kids managed to get her back in her cage. I am sure she thought she adopted a crazy family. Nancy

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What wonderful news to tune into today! So happy for you and Miss Gracie. Wishing a smooth transition for you both. It appears that you are off to a great start. It always warms my heart when another fine feathered companion wings its way to a loving home.

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