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Happy 8 Year Hatchday to Talon!


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Yesterday was Talon's 8 year Birthday! She spent it being a menace!!! Spending most her day trying to open all the kitchen cupboards and climbing in them to chew things...:( I guess she didn't care for the French Toast I made her for breakfast....


As much as a sweetheart she is, she is the practical joker of the flock! She LOVES to play jokes on us and then laugh at us...:) She has always been a very sweet bird, but she will play tricks on us all the time!


We had her shipped from Florida to Mass when she was weaned (so I was told) at 8 1/2 weeks old. I remember it was a very cold day...28 degrees...I picked her up at the airport, drove 1 hour home and she settled in very nicely, but then she cried for the first 2 weeks off and on..:( She was actually a xmas present for my then 17 year old son. He would bring her to me saying, "Mom, I don't know what else to do, I fed her, played with her, sing to her, and she still is crying...:( " It was heart breaking, she obviously missed her flock....I would cuddle her in a blanket holding her and singing softly to her,...it seemed to help. But looking back, I now know, it was too early for her to be flown alone to us...:( She was eating fine, and I spent as much time as possible with her. I was able to be home for much of the days so it helped. So, fast forward to today....she has Rikki & Nilah, I think she would prefer to be alone, but she does seem to like their company when we are not home. If she can't find me, she will fly and look for them.


She continues to be a wonderful joy to our family and I adore her!



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