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Que talking for two days


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hehe I know its not much to you all with your gabby greys.

But Que is going on day two with the jabbering as long as I stay quite and ignore her she is just a jabbering away this morning and yesterday evening. It makes my smile.

Wonder if she is tring to out talk my quakers? With all the babies here I have two that are very chatty and one said I love you yesterday to bad it wan't my Topaz. lol

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Awww... that is wonderful Tari!! She probably is trying to out talk your quakers. Whenever there is noise in the house (radio, tv, vacuum, washer/dryer, us talking, etc) Makena will chat away like crazy!! He needs to be the loudest thing in the house at all times.. LOL!! :silly: :silly: :silly:

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Guest briansmum

aww thats a shame, and a bit unusual.. was there anything that could have triggered her into chatty mode?


maybe she was just testing you out to see how you react to her talking.. and she'll be better and louder next time :)

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