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Need help !!!

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Im Vanessa and im having a hard time with my little grey , He is about 15 weeks old and im trying to stop feeding him but its not so easy , he really doesnt want to eat his food by himself , he doesnt even try :(

My boyfriend has a macaw he said my bird is lasy :( couse with his birds was so easy

Is it always hard for the greys to learn to eat or am I just having a bad luck ?

is there something that i could do to teach him ?

or probably it is still not time , so tell me what you think please :D

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15 weeks is not that old to expect it to be completely weaned. Are you offers him any other food, and if you are, how so? It has nothing to do with being lazy . You don't want to stop feeding him until HE decides he's done being hand fed or he could die from being malnourished. I am sure others here can give you more advice, I myself would never hand feed a baby as so much can go wrong. I assume you have experience?

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When your baby grey is ready to stop the hand feeding than she will stop. Keep hand feeding her until she dose not want it any more.

Abundant weaning is considered one of the best ways to wean your grey.

Even after they have been weaned, from time to time they like a comfort feeding at night.

There have been greys that have gone 25 weeks before they turn it down.

Edited by Ray P
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I'am handfeeding a Eclectus if that helps you any he will 4 months old the 13th of this month and he just now got off of 3 handfeedings I have a feeling I will handfeeding him along time yet he truly loves his formula and every time he hears the microwave go off he thinks it's his formula and boy does he scream

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Ohh cool thank you guys , it helps

so i dont think its time to stop feeding him as he doesnt accept others food , i always try giving him other birds food and fruits so he is still not ready for that

but my boyfriend thinks its too long to feed him

i have no experience with parrots yet ,so i had to ask , i had birds before but never a parrot ,have to say im loving it

Its good to know that he is in time still

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My baby was almost 5 months before he gave up the night feeding completely. Please keep feeding your baby. You might try putting just a bit of formula on a few pellets to encourage him to taste it . Just don't leave it in his cage - I wouldn't want to chance it spoiling. Mash up a soft vegetable on your finger tip and see if he will take it that way. Just keep experimenting until he starts to eat.

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