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Thoughts on "Should have more than one bird"


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Now, "should" being, of course, for the bird's benefit (i.e. having another avian member of the flock...i.e. not a dog, cat, even canary, but at the very least a budgie or cockatiel in the same room) not as an enabling statement for adopting another fid! :)


I've heard this said by several parrot enthusiasts, and while I'm not sure we're ready for two greys, we'd be open to a couple budgies in the same room.


If you believe the "multiple is better for the birds than one/just one bird is unfair to the parrot", what is your reasoning?


And if the above applies to you, would budgies fit the bill? Honestly, I am not interested in keeping conures or other species of medium/large parrots here. One of the MANY reasons we're focusing on greys is that they aren't known for frequent, high-pitched, "just for fun" exuberant shriekfests.


If you feel it's fine to keep a parrot as the only parrot-like bird in a home with regular activity, lots of enrichment toys and a good regimen of meaningful/challenging interaction, please elaborate...or share your own experiences, particularly if you have experience with both scenarios!


Thanks for your input!

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Birds are like potato chips, you can't have just one! Seriously, it is up to you how many birds you want to have. Getting other birds for companions for your bird does not guarantee that they will get along. Also, things seem to increase exponentially with each new bird. There is more mess, more noise, more cage cleaning, more time needed for attention, etc. And, though I love Budgies, and in 45 years of keeping birds, I don't think there ever was a time that I did not have a few, their almost constant chatter and shrieks may be just what you don't want. I was always "that crazy man with all those birds". So, I've almost never had it any other way. I've never wanted it any other way. At the height of my rescue work, I used to clean some cages everyday. I got up early to feed & water before work. Birds, and their care, just became an integral part of my life. At one point, a fellow rescuer had to give up all of his birds. I took them in, and for a short while, I was caring for 43 birds! I had cages in every room, including the bathroom. Imagine the feeding, watering, and cleaning then! And the 43 didn't include my owls, poultry & pigeons. But, I AM "that crazy guy with all those birds". The point being, if you want something, you figure out how to make it work.

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That's why they call it MBS for multiple bird syndrome and most of us have it, you can't just have one bird for the more the merrier but I do think they are company for each other when no one is home even if they are in separate cages but you have to know your limits and mine is three.

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Well, I definitely disagree with having more than one bird especially if the grey owner is new to owning a grey. They'e a complicated bird and there's lots of things have to be learned about the bird and visa versa. Someone suggests the * the more the merrier* but no one talks about the personality of a grey concerning it's attitude with more than one bird around. Greys are very jealous and if so, lots of training and relationships could go out the window if another bird is around. Also, no one talks about what a grey can do to itself if one on one relationships with people are interfered with such as plucking, chewing, biting etc. There may be a chance to never develop that trust again. There's absolutely no way to know how a grey or other species will take to another bird. Learning about a grey is hard enough. Learning about how 2 birds will get along is even harder. There's also no way to tell if a grey has a desire to keep company with another bird. That also applies to having 2 greys together. People who have had the proper experience with a grey can consider getting another bird but even they have to watch out to make sure one accepts the other. Biting each other can be serious. Small birds such as budgies, parrotlets don't have communication with much larger parrots especially if one has been domesticated. Greys are wild animals and will stay so if even a person owns the bird for 25 yrs. My opinion is to concentrate on the much more complicated bird first. Since you're new to grey ownership but if you succeed with the grey, you'll probably not get another bird. Most of the people here who have multiple birds adopted those birds when they were adults and those adult's personalities can't be changed. Those adults were probably owned by others.

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Informative post Dave! :)


I agree 100 percent. A grey can take 100 percent of your time available. This is even more true of a rescued grey that needs a ton of work on building trust and maybe even needing to address possible health issues like plucking etc. We have only two parrots, jake the conure I first obtained that is a happy go lucky guy and then Dayo a year later. Dayo is very jealous and consumes a huge amount of time daily to keep mentally and physically growing and challenged. Jake hangs on the shoulders as much as he can and wants attention too, but not to the level that Dayo demands. If I still did not need to work (From Home fortunately) I would spend near 100 percent of my time with dayo.

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That is what I always think when I start getting symptoms of MBS. Timber is very demanding of my time and attention, and I only have so much. I always manage to talk myself out of getting another because of that. I work outside my home, so it is all I can do to give Timber adequate out of cage time and attention. Kudos to those who can manage it, but for now one bird is all I can handle!

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I personally, would NEVER adopt two greys. If you want multi birds, most work, but NEVER two greys! I like that Sophie has other birds to become friends with, which she has done, but she rules the bird and dog kingdom. She is best friends with birds, dogs, etc. Of course, she rules the entire animal kingdom.She knows it. Sometimes I have to remind her, when Zoey our favorite pup, that is full of energy, runs around her and Sophie will growl at her,I will correct her behavior.zoeys behavior,is not up for negotiation. Zoey is the baby in our family. Nancy

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Having 6 birds, they are all different species. I adore and love them all and can't imagine life without any of them. Especially the larger ones. I do remember the days of only having one grey in a busy household with lots of things going on, kids, etc. it was nicer for me to give her all my attention. I know she misses that, but she does seem to like having the others around, especially when we are all at work. She does enjoy the whistling back and forth with my other grey, and also loves to play chase and catch me with my amazon. So in hindsight, it requires a lot more effort for me in many ways to have more than one vird, but I know it is company for each other when the house is quiet during the day

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I say it is all a personal decision. Although I had a TIEL when I got my SUN, at a little over a year old, and the TIEL passed before my TAG came into our lives, at 3 months. Then the TIEL I have now came a few years later. I am one of the lucky ones in that the TAG and SUN can be out of cage at the same time and do fairly well with each other. If they were to fight I would be at a loss as to how to give them enough out of cage time. They will even sit on my shoulders and wait their turn when I hand out treats - it is too cute! When the TAG was little, he taught the SUN how to play with toys! Enough rambling. Take in to consideration your time, energy and room in the home, BEFORE you think about if your Grey would like a friend!

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Thank you!


I know that what suits some parrots doesn't suit others, and to be honest I'm really not interested in having more than one parrot, at least for the forseeable future. (I'm already Crazy Bird Lady, but with other species.)


With one or both of us working from home on any given day, I think our future Grey will be fine with the regular activity. And he'll have the two dogs and the bird-savvy cat to boss around, though I know that's no substitute for intellectual stimulation.


I especially appreciate the advice targeted to first-time Grey owners, which we will be.

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I love that Sophie feels very sure of herself, and feels she knows whats best for dogs and Sunny. If she tells dogs to go outside and pee, they run for the door. She will always share with Ollie her peanuts. She will walk in with a peanut, drop it in front of Ollie the dog, and ask him if he wants a peanut. In return, he will give her a piece of chicken every morning. Zoey my pup, LOVES lipstick. Sophie will break into my purse, find my lipstick and throw it down to Zoey. When I hear, " here you go Zoey", I know what has happened. They are all in cahoots against me! Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 5 birds soon to be 6 ...... I like mine in 2's.... I have 2 macaws and 2 umbrella cockatoos and one african grey .... I am getting another grey because I want him to have a aviary buddy. my macaws go out together and my toos and neither of the big birds like my grey. he seems to want to be near other birds. so my new rescue is for him

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We have a shadow of illness over our house so I wouldn't dare to bring in another. For now, I live vicariously through all of you with multiples and new babies. @lupine, I can't guess what color your baby's feathers will come in but that little bald head looks like it needs a little kiss on the forehead.

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Kizzybird, I was thinking the little baby fid might be a Caique, but I noticed the yellow tail feathers, so now I suspect an Amazon like several others on this forum. As far as the multiple parrot question, the first year I had Gracie, I seriously thought about what other parrots I might add to my flock over time. But as I have grown in my relationship with Gracie, I have come to realize that she really needs all my attention. Our relationship has become so deep and complex. I don't think I am equipped to devote enough time to another bird. I also believe that the company of another parrot would not enrich her life to any great degree. I'm sure she would tolerate or even possibly "befriend" another feathered sibling, but if she had a vote, I think she would say "no". I can't read her mind, but she projects to me a sense that she needs to be the center of my world, and if I shared my devotion with another parrot, she might feel a loss. I don't want to risk that because we have come so far and she seems so happy and well-adjusted that I would never dream of taking any of that away from her.

Edited by JeffNOK
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