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Funny noises?


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Hi I just recently received my Beautiful Grey Luna. its been about a week and about a day ago she started making kinda of a growl-ish chirp in and out of the cage normally i wouldn't be concerned cause my conure makes some funny noises but this noise doesnt stop when i pick her up she keeps doing it. only when i pull her in close to me does she seem to calm down. My question is has anyone else seen this happen with their grey and if so is it a cry for attention or should i take her to the vet. I will note when i pull her close it doesn't stop it just seems to happen less. i try and keep my house around 73 degrees but i wouldn't think that temperature should bother her shes been eating regularly, taking treats, and playing around.

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She was growling but its hard to explain cause ive never heard a noise like it from any of my other birds buts its as if shes whistling while she growls but when i pull her close she will stop for a bit throw her head under my chin and my neck and be silent for a few minutes and then start doing it again almost as if shes cold.

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No other parrot makes a growl like a grey. It is unique to them. I suspect it is a growl that you are hearing. if you could hold a phone or camera and just get a short video of it and post it, we could tell you for certain.


Here is a couple of examples:


Edited by danmcq
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My CAG, Sterling Gris, is over 505 grams but he is a scaredy cat. He screams and growls anytime anyone but me comes into the room be the person 3' tall or 6'5" tall. He puffs up his feathers and tries to look real big while he screams and growls. It is comical because he is so big and I try real hard to calm him down poor baby.

Edited by luvparrots
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ok this is my bird luna listening again its more of a burping sound but she does it non stop i pulled out the camera and she froze a bit but still managed to make the noise. now she will growl but i understood those this is a short burp sound that strikes me odd

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My interpretation is.... a bird finding his voice. Totally normal! Sophie and Kiki did the same thing. Baby is " working on it!" Nothing compared to a growl. If you still remain unsure, watch the eyes. They will pin. As youngsters, their pupils will constrict and dialate. It is a warning. As they get older, pupils constrict and dialate can mean " I am learning".

I would be a proud parent if I were you. Bird is attempting to connect the cognitive, with vocalization. Nancy

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Now that I think about it a little more I think each grey has their own unique way of communicating, my grey does something like a chicken cluck sound, I paid it no attention as she has done it since I brought her home over 7 years ago but when my UK friend visited me she asked me about it, I think it is just her acknowledgement to me.

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ok this is my bird luna listening again its more of a burping sound but she does it non stop i pulled out the camera and she froze a bit but still managed to make the noise. now she will growl but i understood those this is a short burp sound that strikes me odd


Interesting...they do make some crazy noises. I know the Grey growl and it's usually a low-level, extended gravely sound; like when they're frightened or giving a warning (much like a rattlesnake shakes it's rattle before striking)...their heads get skinny and their pupils "pin" (close tightly). When I picked up Cosmo from the breeder (He was 13 weeks old) he was growling in the carry box all the way home. Now the only time he growls is when I (on occasion) use the Roomba robot vacuum. There's the Grey growl and the Grey scream, which sounds like someone being choked to death. :) Cosmo does this while he bats his toys around in his cage, kind of like when a dog plays with a toy, as it shakes it's head with the toy in his mouth, or when he desperately wants my attention and feels that I'm not responding to him fast enough.



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My interpretation is.... a bird finding his voice. Totally normal! Sophie and Kiki did the same thing. Baby is " working on it!" Nothing compared to a growl. If you still remain unsure, watch the eyes. They will pin. As youngsters, their pupils will constrict and dialate. It is a warning. As they get older, pupils constrict and dialate can mean " I am learning".

I would be a proud parent if I were you. Bird is attempting to connect the cognitive, with vocalization. Nancy


actually thinking about it you might be right just because i was talking to her the other day and was playing peekaboo and she sounded like she was trying to say peekaboo. but from everything i read they dont typically do that for a few years so im not sure. she atleast certainly seems like she trys to mimic me.

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actually thinking about it you might be right just because i was talking to her the other day and was playing peekaboo and she sounded like she was trying to say peekaboo. but from everything i read they dont typically do that for a few years so im not sure. she atleast certainly seems like she trys to mimic me.




Keep interacting and talking to Luna and you'll be surprised that she'll start communicating with you in the English language (or any language she's exposed to) a lot sooner than you think.



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