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AG - Science project ideas


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My 7th grader wants to do her science project on our 7 year old AG bird Charlie. Charlie talks well and dances but we need a hypothesis,purpose,procedure or possible conclusion. She wants people to know charlie 'thinks' not just mimics. Any ideas are greatly appreciated - my daughter can use vid cam and laptop - thanks, Dancebird

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Well it sounds like you already have your project... "Charlie can Think".


The best way to show that he thinks would be to have him solve some type of problem. You could come up with some brain teasers and hypothesize that ?% of the time he will pick the right answer or solve the problem.


There are a variety of brain teaser toys out there that you can buy. Or you can make up your own. We have a brain teaser toy where you put a treat in the center and you have to line up the outside rings in order to get the treat out. Makena figured out how to do it in about 10 minutes!!! I would say that is a bird that can think... he was faced with a problem and was able to solve it in no time!!


I am sure tons of people on here have great ideas for some homemade problem solving ideas!


Good luck!!

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Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to prove that AG not only mimic but are able to interprut change and adjust learn behavior. ( i.e. think)

Hypothesis: It is predected that given a task Charlie will be able to complete said task even as conditions are changed.

Hope that helps

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Not to be a downer on this but many times you need to have more than one subject animal. I did a science fair project on Betta fish and triggers for aggression and I had to have 3 fish to do the project to "prove" that it was not just one overly aggresive fish. Don't worry...I wasn’t doing cage matches with them. I tested to see if colors, shapes, hand drawn pictures, photos, and mirrors would trigger the aggressive behavior.


I was thinking, maybe your daughter could team up with some of the members on the forum that have digital video cameras and have them do the same experiments with their greys and send her the results. This way you would get a number of birds involved and have hard evidence to back up the findings.


Just my thoughts. :)

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That is such a good idea. Once we finalize the experiment and purchase or make tools, we could ship to AG owners who would do the task with their bird - we would include as much materials as we could and a self addressed postage paid box. I'm thinking maybe a 'Piaget' task for children. Would you consider helping more?

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