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My African Grey adventure begins...


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Hi everyone,


My name is Keri, I am the new proud and very excited owner of a 15 y/o African Grey. I got her today from a very nice family that had rescued her from a bad situation 8 months ago. She had plucked most of her under? feathers off. They are now growing back in. The family that I got her from has 2 small children and when one of them recently got bitten they decided they were not the right family for her. I think mom was just very worried about it happening again.


"Morgan" we think is a girl, never DNA tested, has bitten me twice already. Once when I was holding before I took her home and once after I got her home. I had opened the cage door to let her move about and when it was time to go to bed I tried to get her to step up so I could put her back in her cage and she was having none of it. I didn't know how I was going to get her in her cage so I finally put a grape in her bowl and she went in to get it.


I don't want to be afraid of her, but I feel like I'm going to get bit every time I try to hold her. Any suggestions?


Also, I noticed her picking at he feathers tonight. I'm hoping this is just due to the stress of being in a new place and will pass. Is there anything I should do for her?


This is my first bird so I am going to have so many questions. I hope y'all don't get sick of me.

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Welcome. Read everything you can on rehoming. It takes a lot of patience, patience, patience, willingness to move at parrot speed. Read how Katana helped Gilbert (now Miss Gilbert). The thread is under Rehoming. And please do ask questions. There are a lot of experts here. Read everything you can find.

Edited by kittykittykitty
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Welcome Keri, it's GreYt having you and morgan here. :)


First you need to build a relationship with her. She is now in a new home and surroundings she is unfamiliar with. It is way too soon to have up close contact like your trying to do on the first day. Also at 15 months old she is just starting to strongly learn to express her will and what she wants. She is still very much a young grey just going in to her terrible twos. It takes them months to get completely settled in to a new home and build a relationship with new people. She may or may not be a grey that really likes being handled much. You just won't know until you two become well acquainted with each other. The first thing you need to do is build trust with her and have her feel safe in your home. Using the grape to get her back in the cage was brilliant on your part and avoided a high stress situation like having to towel her to get her back in the cage. Good job on that one! Right now, just start watching her body language as you interact with her to learn when she is comfortable or when she is not. Thats the first thing to learn. Then respect it and do not force a step up for example if you see she has no desire to. many more here will chime in with thoughts as well. Just keep posting and asking questions. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Hi Keri and Morgan, Welcome to the grey forum.

Take time with your new companion and give her time to settle in. You are going to hear about a thing called grey time. When they are ready that's when things can change.

Until than sit by Morgan`s cage and talk to her, sing, read a book, offer her/him treats and just get to know each other. When Morgan is ready you will see small changes that can tell you when you can start some small steps in building your bonding and your relationship.

Just give Morgan that grey time you will hear a lot about.

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Welcome! I have also rehomed older greys, one 22 one 11 and one 7. They are set in their ways but in time will come around. The 22 year old after a year and a half just started letting me touch and play with her and still only when she is ready. Grey time is very slow so be ready for it. As much as we want to just pick them up and love them, it needs to be from afar. They do not understand yet that they are in a better place, right now all they see is how the have been removed yet again from a home they assumed would be forever, the more moves they make the more time it takes for them to trust again. The grape in the bowl to get her back into the cage was the best thing you could have done, don't force her to do anything she is not ready for, let her make the decision when she is ready! Congrats!!!

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Thanks for rehoming a bird in need. I think people who do that are amazing! Time, patience and acceptance of what your GREY will allow or want is the best thing to do. Lotta great suggestions. It took my roomie 2 months of round the clock "talking" and feeding her dinners and things to get Marco to accept him, he had to use an extra perch to get her to step up she wouldnt go to him and she'd bite but he kept at it every day every day working with her talking to her and before we knew it ... shes totally smitten with him stepping up and scratches and even talks like him now in his voice lol :D so just sit back and wait for it :D it'll happen!

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Hi everyone,


My name is Keri, I am the new proud and very excited owner of a 15 y/o African Grey. I got her today from a very nice family that had rescued her from a bad situation 8 months ago. She had plucked most of her under? feathers off. They are now growing back in. The family that I got her from has 2 small children and when one of them recently got bitten they decided they were not the right family for her. I think mom was just very worried about it happening again.


"Morgan" we think is a girl, never DNA tested, has bitten me twice already. Once when I was holding before I took her home and once after I got her home. I had opened the cage door to let her move about and when it was time to go to bed I tried to get her to step up so I could put her back in her cage and she was having none of it. I didn't know how I was going to get her in her cage so I finally put a grape in her bowl and she went in to get it.


I don't want to be afraid of her, but I feel like I'm going to get bit every time I try to hold her. Any suggestions?


Also, I noticed her picking at he feathers tonight. I'm hoping this is just due to the stress of being in a new place and will pass. Is there anything I should do for her?


This is my first bird so I am going to have so many questions. I hope y'all don't get sick of me.


Ok, now for a method. Your bird is an adult and you really don't know the success of the step up resistance or acceptence that happened.


First, get a perch about 10 to 12 inches long. Instead of imediately using your hand for step up, start using the perch. Your bird is likey to step up on a stick and if he flies away, he can be easilt retrieved. Hold the perch at the end with the rest of it untouched. After a while, a bird will finally accept a branch type item. After it's obvious that he accepts it, Very slowly use your hand and cover more of the perch( just a little). Repeat the above until he accepts it agin. The time that this will happen will usually be shorter than the first time you started this process. After accepting that much, give him less perch to step on. Let him get used to it. As time goes on, your hand will be getteing closer and closer. By that time, your hand won't be a stranger to him. He should eventually step up on your hand as it gets closer and closer. When this happens slowly walk around with him and put him back on the cage. Repeat the process until its a regular habit. Mny times this method works when birds are afraid or leery of new hands. Also, I've recommended that sme birds should be brought to an empty quiet room with a door on it with the bird on the floo. There' no noise, it's quiet, no place to hide. Repeat it over and over and over. No matter what method you use just remember to put no time limits on things which YOU think should have had success. All birds are different and adult birds are resistant to change.

One important thing about that perch---always use it aiming it slightly upward. Bids like to go higher as opposed to lower on anything they stand on. Aim it higher and higher as time goes on.

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Welcome Keri, it's GreYt having you and morgan here. :)


First you need to build a relationship with her. She is now in a new home and surroundings she is unfamiliar with. It is way too soon to have up close contact like your trying to do on the first day. Also at 15 months old she is just starting to strongly learn to express her will and what she wants. She is still very much a young grey just going in to her terrible twos. It takes them months to get completely settled in to a new home and build a relationship with new people. She may or may not be a grey that really likes being handled much. You just won't know until you two become well acquainted with each other. The first thing you need to do is build trust with her and have her feel safe in your home. Using the grape to get her back in the cage was brilliant on your part and avoided a high stress situation like having to towel her to get her back in the cage. Good job on that one! Right now, just start watching her body language as you interact with her to learn when she is comfortable or when she is not. Thats the first thing to learn. Then respect it and do not force a step up for example if you see she has no desire to. many more here will chime in with thoughts as well. Just keep posting and asking questions. :)



Thank you danmcq. Morgan is 15 Years old, which I'm realizing needs as much patience as a 15 month old. I feel like the hardest part will be learning to understand her body language. Right now I have no idea what she's saying. Thanks for your support. :)

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I have a rescued grey named Smokey and he is doing good but we have had him now for around 2 months , he still is not totally trustworthy of me, he is still kinda leary at times but he has done great so far , I let him on my shoulder last night for the first time and he was really good he just sat their chatting away for a good 20 minutes then he stepped down down very nicely for me to take him off , sometimes he will step right up from his cage and sometimes he goes the other way , I don't force it I just come back later and try again , I have him eating veggies and that's a plus but he picks his feathers and we are still working on that , he get lots of aloe vera baths and lots of pinecones to chew on , I still find a feather or 2 but nothing like all the feathers I found before , we are still a work in progress

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Hi Keri and Morgan, Welcome to the grey forum.

Take time with your new companion and give her time to settle in. You are going to hear about a thing called grey time. When they are ready that's when things can change.

Until than sit by Morgan`s cage and talk to her, sing, read a book, offer her/him treats and just get to know each other. When Morgan is ready you will see small changes that can tell you when you can start some small steps in building your bonding and your relationship.

Just give Morgan that grey time you will hear a lot about.


Thank you Ray! Yes, I'm hearing a lot about this "grey time" you speak of. :) seems to be the common message. I guess I'm just more eager than she is right now. My daughter and I sat in the living room with her tonight and just talked and sang and danced with/for her all night. Not only is it quality bonding time with Morgan, but also very rare quality time with my 25 year old daughter...priceless!

Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it.

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Welcome! I have also rehomed older greys, one 22 one 11 and one 7. They are set in their ways but in time will come around. The 22 year old after a year and a half just started letting me touch and play with her and still only when she is ready. Grey time is very slow so be ready for it. As much as we want to just pick them up and love them, it needs to be from afar. They do not understand yet that they are in a better place, right now all they see is how the have been removed yet again from a home they assumed would be forever, the more moves they make the more time it takes for them to trust again. The grape in the bowl to get her back into the cage was the best thing you could have done, don't force her to do anything she is not ready for, let her make the decision when she is ready! Congrats!!!


Thank you murfchck! Everyone is saying the same thing...be patient it takes time! Ok, ok, I get it. I was just to eager on day one. I saw her former owner hold her and he let me hold her (while still at his house) and she was fine so I had a false sense of hope. Now I know thanks to all of the wonderful, experienced grey owners in this forum. I truly appreciate the support. I'm sure ill need many more questions answered. Starting with... Yesterday (her first day with me) she ate everything I offered her. Today she spit out or turned away from almost everything even the things she seemed to love yesterday. I'm confused. Also, is it normal for the majority of their food to end up on the bottom of the cage/floor? I feel like she's not eating enough.

On the upside, my daughter and I spent all evening talking, singing and dancing with her. She seemed very happy! Yay :)

Thanks again, I really appreciate your support.

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Thanks for rehoming a bird in need. I think people who do that are amazing! Time, patience and acceptance of what your GREY will allow or want is the best thing to do. Lotta great suggestions. It took my roomie 2 months of round the clock "talking" and feeding her dinners and things to get Marco to accept him, he had to use an extra perch to get her to step up she wouldnt go to him and she'd bite but he kept at it every day every day working with her talking to her and before we knew it ... shes totally smitten with him stepping up and scratches and even talks like him now in his voice lol :D so just sit back and wait for it :D it'll happen!


Hi Aerial, thank you so much for sharing your story about Marco. It helps me to not lose hope. It's very new for me and I am learning more everyday. I love the idea of using an extra perch, thanks for that. I'm sure it will happen, I just need to work on my own patience. I want that great relationship now, but I know that's not reality. I just have to keep reminding myself.

Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. :)

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Hello and welcome to you and Morgan! As the others have said, it usually takes months, not days to earn a grey's trust. Give her plenty of time and you will see the trust and relationship develop. :)


Thank you! I'm working on it, keeping my eyes on the prize...that loving grey relationship you all are talking about. t

Thats what I want.

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Ok, now for a method. Your bird is an adult and you really don't know the success of the step up resistance or acceptence that happened.


First, get a perch about 10 to 12 inches long. Instead of imediately using your hand for step up, start using the perch. Your bird is likey to step up on a stick and if he flies away, he can be easilt retrieved. Hold the perch at the end with the rest of it untouched. After a while, a bird will finally accept a branch type item. After it's obvious that he accepts it, Very slowly use your hand and cover more of the perch( just a little). Repeat the above until he accepts it agin. The time that this will happen will usually be shorter than the first time you started this process. After accepting that much, give him less perch to step on. Let him get used to it. As time goes on, your hand will be getteing closer and closer. By that time, your hand won't be a stranger to him. He should eventually step up on your hand as it gets closer and closer. When this happens slowly walk around with him and put him back on the cage. Repeat the process until its a regular habit. Mny times this method works when birds are afraid or leery of new hands. Also, I've recommended that sme birds should be brought to an empty quiet room with a door on it with the bird on the floo. There' no noise, it's quiet, no place to hide. Repeat it over and over and over. No matter what method you use just remember to put no time limits on things which YOU think should have had success. All birds are different and adult birds are resistant to change.

One important thing about that perch---always use it aiming it slightly upward. Bids like to go higher as opposed to lower on anything they stand on. Aim it higher and higher as time goes on.


Thanks Dave! Someone else had mentioned using an extra perch and I thought that was a great idea. Your post with the details of how to has been extremely helpful. Thank you so much! I am definitely going to use this method. And thanks for the tip on aiming the perch upward. I didn't know they prefer to go higher. Great tip!

Thanks again for your support. I really appreciate it!

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I have a rescued grey named Smokey and he is doing good but we have had him now for around 2 months , he still is not totally trustworthy of me, he is still kinda leary at times but he has done great so far , I let him on my shoulder last night for the first time and he was really good he just sat their chatting away for a good 20 minutes then he stepped down down very nicely for me to take him off , sometimes he will step right up from his cage and sometimes he goes the other way , I don't force it I just come back later and try again , I have him eating veggies and that's a plus but he picks his feathers and we are still working on that , he get lots of aloe vera baths and lots of pinecones to chew on , I still find a feather or 2 but nothing like all the feathers I found before , we are still a work in progress


Hi Parrot Lady, thanks for your post. It's great to hear stories of how others are progressing. I wish Morgan would just turn away from me when I asked him to step up. The only two times I did she just reached down and bit me...hard. Drew blood each time. I know now that I was trying too soon. I'm going to give her some space for a while, let her get comfortable in her new environment and learn to trust me.

My Morgan had plucked all of his under feathers before I got him. I'm hoping this will not continue. Is eating veggies something that should help with that? Also, when you give him a bath where and when do you do it. And how much do you spray him? Do you spray him from behind, overhead, straight on?? Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it.

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Hi Aerial, thank you so much for sharing your story about Marco. It helps me to not lose hope. It's very new for me and I am learning more everyday. I love the idea of using an extra perch, thanks for that. I'm sure it will happen, I just need to work on my own patience. I want that great relationship now, but I know that's not reality. I just have to keep reminding myself.

Thanks for your support. I really appreciate it. :)

well you are more then welcome :D thats what we are here for. Kinda funny to be considered an "experienced" grey owner now. It wasnt so long ago I was new here with a brand new baby bird doing the exact same thing you are. The peeps here were amazing to me and have always helped with all my questions even the silly ones :D Remember too, every Grey is different, what works for one might not work for another. What one likes the others might not. Its trial and error. Today she likes beans tomorrow I cant get her to touch them <shrugs> I like the idea of you singing/dancing with your daughter for your baby. I do that ALL the time with Marco even seems half the time I lull her to sleep with it. I have since day one sang to her simply because I cant live w/out music in my life. Im waiting for her to bust out with some lady gaga or something soon lol :D Im ok with it ;) <snickers>

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Hi Parrot Lady, thanks for your post. It's great to hear stories of how others are progressing. I wish Morgan would just turn away from me when I asked him to step up. The only two times I did she just reached down and bit me...hard. Drew blood each time. I know now that I was trying too soon. I'm going to give her some space for a while, let her get comfortable in her new environment and learn to trust me.

My Morgan had plucked all of his under feathers before I got him. I'm hoping this will not continue. Is eating veggies something that should help with that? Also, when you give him a bath where and when do you do it. And how much do you spray him? Do you spray him from behind, overhead, straight on?? Sorry for all the questions. I'm just trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it.


well Im not parrot lady however I believe I was told never to put the water over their face directly I only lightly mist marco's face. each parrot is different when it comes to baths I hear MANY dont like it at all. marco on the other hand, I bring her in the shower with me and let her sit on the top rod while I shower and I usually talk to her then when Im all done I bring her in the shower and hold the shower head turn it on low and soak her down. Im lucky shes one of the birds that like the water. I have also recently caught her bathing in her water bowl late at nite!!!!!! :mad: she gets that water ALLLLL over when she does :rolleyes: Infact I think she just likes to flop it out of her bowl all over my floor cuz she cant fit in the dang thing :rolleyes:.


I would start out with a squirt bottle, thats how I did with Marco and mist mist mist and do lotta talking to them cuz I think it scares them a lil bit. Marco learned "take a shower" cuz I always tell her that when we go into the bathroom. :D lots of bonding you can do there too!

Edited by aerial.2000
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I'm sure ill need many more questions answered. Starting with... Yesterday (her first day with me) she ate everything I offered her. Today she spit out or turned away from almost everything even the things she seemed to love yesterday. I'm confused. Also, is it normal for the majority of their food to end up on the bottom of the cage/floor? I feel like she's not eating enough.

On the upside, my daughter and I spent all evening talking, singing and dancing with her. She seemed very happy! Yay :)

Thanks again, I really appreciate your support.


LOL, Gosh yes, most of the food will end up on the floor, the walls and I have had steamed squash on the ceiling before! That is why alot of people will measure the amout of food they put in there for them so they have an idea of how much is eaten. I keep track of the birds weight though and not the food. As for loving food one day and hating it the next, very normal. It works in reverse also, hates the good stuff one day and then the next will love it, so keep offering the greens even if they get flung. They gotta put it in their mouth to fling it out and one day in that process they will bite down a little harder and discover they like it!

As for the singing and dancing, keep it up! My whole flock will start dancing with me, and it is so much fun. I have found with that snapping my fingers to the beat while moving the hand up and down gets Gabby boucing up and down to the beat, Bongo also. Cotay just makes the snapping sound. We have had Cotay about a month now and are still trying to discover her likes and dislikes. She also will not step up for me and I am having to do the stick, however when i just put the stick in my hand she flys off. We still do this everyday so will get use to it and me but once she is off the cage and on the floor she steps up to my hand without issue. She is what is called cage aggresive, once away from her cage, she is a different bird. Well she still hates me and loves hubby but it is a process, just be consistant!

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Keri, in answer to your question about the food, most of our birds do waste a lot. Another thing I've noticed is that Timber eats in what seems to be a pattern. One day he will eat, eat, eat, then the next day and sometimes two he just picks. When you can, you need to start getting a weight at least once a week. Because of the way they waste food, it is difficult to tell how much they are really eating. Weighing regularly is the only way to really tell if they are gaining/losing weight.

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Welcome! There's a pretty good book I've read called "For the love of Greys". You can probably find it on Amazon.com. grey forums is a treasure trove of experienced Grey owners who would never "get sick of you". It's a good idea that no matter what you read about the care of a Grey, if you're not sure, post a question here and you'll get the right answer.

Thanks for your service by adopting Morgan.



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Just wanted to say congratulations on your new companion! How wonderful for the both of you and for your family. Other posters have replied with much wisdom, so I'll try not to repeat. You *will* have a relationship and good bond as you continue to be observant and patient. A great thread is : http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?78271-Parrot-body-languagehttp:// for checking out body language and signals. Nothing is foolproof, but it is as close to the mark as I have ever seen :)


Enjoy, and I can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

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