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Pooka and I thank everyone for your warm welcome! A bit about myself:


I am pushing 50, going to college full time studying anthropology (focus on archaeology) and and working part time as janitor at the local library, just to pay the rent while I'm studying! Pooka is almost 12, his birdday (hatchday) is Feb 2, 2002 making it 02/02/02. Had I known I would have called him Deuce. The name Pooka is an Anglicized derivative of Puka/Puca, a Celtic animal spirit often illustrated as a grey horse or bird (the same source as Shakespeare's "Puck" in his "Midsummer's Night Dream"). We also share our home with a stubby-tailed grey tabby named Stormy; her sister Misty died this past March and we all still miss her. As I've mentioned elsewhere, Pooka is a good talker but just not a very strong one - his lexicon is small and he adds to it only as HE wishes. Almost every night for 11 years I've kissed him on the beak and said "Time to go night night! Love you bird!" and he only repeats the first half. He will call out to Stormy "She's my kitty kitty!" but he's pretty stubborn about what he picks up. He picks up whistles easily (he whistles the Harry Potter theme thanks to my roommate) and sounds - he coughs and burps much to my chagrin.


As an archaeology student I've studied ancient food preparation and how it relates today...my last project was to cook a recipe found on a 4000 year old Babylonian cuneiform tablet. It is interesting to note that many of the flavors/ingredients used then are still incorporated in today's dishes from that region. Oh, and my second passion is cooking! :)

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