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New adoptive parront!


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Hey everyone! I just adopted a beautiful little CAG a few days ago. As much as I love the idea of getting a baby, I know there are so many birds out there that are desperate for good homes.


In my case, I previously had a Lesser Cockatoo back when I was in high school. She was a friend's, but was not in the best environment and not getting enough positive attention. Needless to say, anytime I was around, she gravitated toward me. So when the nipping and screaming and aggressive behavior finally got to be too much, my friend gave her to me. I had never had a parrot companion before and truthfully, found myself a bit in over my head. Luckily enough, my mother's boyfriend had some experience with birds and helped me to gain her trust and socialize her. She wound up being an amazing family companion! Sadly, when I joined the military, I asked my brother to keep her for me while I was away in basic training. When I left, much of the behavioral problems quickly returned, and with that, he got rid of her without my knowing, and to an unknown party. So when I found out, I didnt even have a way of finding my Cleo. Ever since, I wanted another large bird!


I spent 8 years in the active duty Air Force and did 2 tours to Iraq. With my long hours, frequent travel, and hectic lifestyle, I couldnt bring myself to get another parrot, knowing I would not be able to provide the attention it deserved. I recently separated from the Air Force and just so happened upon someone that had rescued an African Grey from an elderly man that kept her caged for at least the last 6 months straight. She was missing a claw from unknown reasons and was slightly shy. But BEAUTIFUL! I immediately offered to take her for this person, as he had no intent on keeping her as his own, only to find her a good home. So now, that home is mine :)


So a bit about this pretty miss lady: Her name is Rebel, a name I am definitely NOT fond of and would like some advice as to how to go about potentially changing her name. "She" has not been DNA sexed however, so if I were to find her a new name, I'd like it to be a unisex one (any suggestions?). She is said to be 2 years old, but again, no certain information on her (she has developed the yellowish creme color around her pupils, so she's at least that old (if I'm not mistaken). So far she says hello & whatcha doin among other mumblings. She farts, burps, barks, meows, hisses, purrs, sighs, whistles, and makes the EXACT beeping noise my door makes when opened. And last night, barely 24 hours after I got her, she let me pet her! Something she wouldnt even let the person I got her from do... and he had her for weeks.

Anyway, I am so excited for us to learn and have new experiences with all of you! Training diet started tonight and will be starting clicker and touch training in the morning. I'll be sure to give everyone updates on how everything progresses with the new member of my family :) Ta Ta For Now!



Edited by KarahEve
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Kudos to you for bringing an older parrot into your life. She is beautiful. We have a rehomed Timneh and had her for two and a half years. We thought she was a male and she already knew her name is Gilbert and we only last week discovered through DNA testing it is Miss Gilbert now. We are trying out new names and I have a feeling you can do the same for Rebel. It sounds like you are already off to a great start with her. Congratulations on her successful homecoming. Thanks for joining our forum. Welcome!

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