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Hello, and I have a food question about a TAG vs a CAG.

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First of all, just wanted to say hi to everyone. I've been reading your board for about 4-6 weeks now, and I wanted to say thanks for all the helpful information and resources that you all provide to rookies!


I know the feelings on this board and many publications on getting a bird before they are weaned and that was not our original intention, but circumstances and lack of care forced our hand.


Having said that, my wife and I were gifted a baby grey from a local pet store via my Mother (God Bless her, she means well). I've always wanted one and she knew that. The little guy is just hit the 10 week mark. This is our first bird, but I grew up with Yellow Napes, and Amazons that my parents raised and still have to this day (birds are pushing 40 I think).


We've been involved with this little guy for 4+ weeks now visiting him 5 days a week up at the pet store, and today completes are first week home alone with him. He's a good eater, both in formula and veggies etc. He's doesn't scare easy and plays with any toy, or object that we give him. He also plays independently in his cage with no problems and LOVES Sink baths (though that may change when he gets older).


My question is, I've read the sticky's on this board about handfeeding and we have followed them to a "T". Always maintaining the proper temp, amount, and snuggle time after feedings. My concern is though, at 9-10 weeks a grey should be eating 30-45CC 3 times a day spaced about 7 apart according to "lovemyGreys" tutorial. We've been doing that with no problems, though he rarely goes above 40CC at any one time. According to the chart, at 10-12 weeks he should only have 2 feedings a day, but the quantity is increased to 45-60CC's. Does this amount work for both TAG's and CAG's, given that one bird may top out at 300grams and the other can tip the scales at twice that?


Should we just feed till he stops taking it (30-40ish), or should we bump him up quantity wise as the chart says due to the lack of the mid day feeding? As the weeks progress how does the grey actually refuse a feeding, does he turn away or will he take it and toss it back up. I am unclear on that part of this.


Right now, he also eats (very well I might say) mid morning veggies and dinnertime veggies and soft pellets are available to him throughout the day which are rotated out every few hours to avoid any freshness issues.


In the week that we've had him home with us he went from 284 grams to 292, but right now he's sitting at 289. All weights were taken in the am before his first feeding so he was empty, LOL. I know these little guys can range from 275-400 so hopefully he's on the right track weight wise. We've already had him checked out by an Avian Vet who was pleased with everything but his pet store clipping which was against our will and the deciding factor on bringing him home early.


Any light you all can shed on this feeding question would be greatly appreciated and I promise not to be one of these nervous dads that ask a question everytime he sneezes...


Thanks in advance!


Mr. Mom

Edited by tankaray
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First of all, just wanted to say hi to everyone. I've been reading your board for about 4-6 weeks now, and I wanted to say thanks for all the helpful information and resources that you all provide to rookies!


I know the feelings on this board and many publications on getting a bird before they are weaned and that was not our original intention, but circumstances and lack of care forced our hand.


Having said that, my wife and I were gifted a baby grey from a local pet store via my Mother (God Bless her, she means well). I've always wanted one and she knew that. The little guy is just hit the 10 week mark. This is our first bird, but I grew up with Yellow Napes, and Amazons that my parents raised and still have to this day (birds are pushing 40 I think).


We've been involved with this little guy for 4+ weeks now visiting him 5 days a week up at the pet store, and today completes are first week home alone with him. He's a good eater, both in formula and veggies etc. He's doesn't scare easy and plays with any toy, or object that we give him. He also plays independently in his cage with no problems and LOVES Sink baths (though that may change when he gets older).


My question is, I've read the sticky's on this board about handfeeding and we have followed them to a "T". Always maintaining the proper temp, amount, and snuggle time after feedings. My concern is though, at 9-10 weeks a grey should be eating 30-45CC 3 times a day spaced about 7 apart according to "lovemyGreys" tutorial. We've been doing that with no problems, though he rarely goes above 40CC at any one time. According to the chart, at 10-12 weeks he should only have 2 feedings a day, but the quantity is increased to 45-60CC's. Does this amount work for both TAG's and CAG's, given that one bird may top out at 300grams and the other can tip the scales at twice that?


Should we just feed till he stops taking it (30-40ish), or should we bump him up quantity wise as the chart says due to the lack of the mid day feeding? As the weeks progress how does the grey actually refuse a feeding, does he turn away or will he take it and toss it back up. I am unclear on that part of this.


Right now, he also eats (very well I might say) mid morning veggies and dinnertime veggies and soft pellets are available to him throughout the day which are rotated out every few hours to avoid any freshness issues.


In the week that we've had him home with us he went from 284 grams to 292, but right now he's sitting at 289. All weights were taken in the am before his first feeding so he was empty, LOL. I know these little guys can range from 275-400 so hopefully he's on the right track weight wise. We've already had him checked out by an Avian Vet who was pleased with everything but his pet store clipping which was against our will and the deciding factor on bringing him home early.


Any light you all can shed on this feeding question would be greatly appreciated and I promise not to be one of these nervous dads that ask a question everytime he sneezes...


Thanks in advance!


Mr. Mom


Sometimes charts can be very deciving especially when it concerns amounts of ccs in a feeding. The reason has to do with size of the bird. Doesn't it make sense that a large boned baby bird will eat more that a smaller boned bird?


******Should we just feed till he stops taking it (30-40ish), or should we bump him up quantity wise as the chart says due to the lack of the mid day feeding? As the weeks progress how does the grey actually refuse a feeding, does he turn away or will he take it and toss it back up. I am unclear on that part of this.****



This part of your post makes the most sense because you can't overfeed a bird and that bird will definitely turn it's head away or simply spit up formula if he doesn't want it. It's called *abundance feeding* Weaning is different with different people. Private breeders will feed formula until a bird totally refuses formula and eats more solid food and then you have the commercial breeders that will follow a time chart even though the bird isn't ready to be sold. Loads of people here have suffered through that situation. Luckily, the problem gets resolved.


As far as the other things he's eating---well, that time is coming. Just be patient. If he refuses formula all the time, he's weaned enen though in the future he may like a taste for some formula. Let him tell you, not the other way around. There's birds that are 3,4,5,6,7 yrs old and they still like a taste and nothing's wrong with that.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks Dave, makes more sense now in regards to the amounts. I just want to ensure that we doing right by him. I wouldn't mind if he kept up a formula feeding for a while, as I enjoy doing this with him.


Thanks Timbersmom and luvparrots for the welcome, BTW: we ended up naming him Charlie, I really wanted Oscar, but I left it to a vote and the family liked Charlie. Works for us though as I just say "sorry Charlie" if I happen to drop something on the floor. We haven't had him sexed yet though, I wasn't to keen on the Avian Vets method, so we'll most likely have it done by plucking a feather one day. Doesn't really matter to us either way though...

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Hi and welcome. My TAG took his night handfeeding until he was over 6 months old. He was only taking a small amount at that time and I was going away for a few days so I took him off that last feeding. He did, however, take oatmeal or cornmeal made warm at night for a while after that. I understand what you mean when you say you enjoy it, I some days wish mine was still handfeeding! LOL

I think, if he is eating so well, you could cut down on the noonish feeding a little and see if he objects. That would be the first feeding to remove as he gets older.

Did I miss it?? Is Charlie a TAG??

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Welcome to the forum Mr. Mom. Congratulations on your new baby Charlie. You go right ahead and ask all those nervous dad questions and know that in a few short months, you will be answering those questions for newcomers. You are doing a great job and being very thorough about offering Charlie a variety of foods while he is learning what is edible. It is one thing for unscrupulous breeders to send home an immature chick only on formula feeding and for you to make that decision with prior parrot experience and with Charlie being ten weeks old and starting to eat solids as well. Taking Charlie to the vet is a great start and our forum members will make a great support team as you get to know the wonderful experience of living with such an exquisite character. Thanks for joining us and allowing us to share the experience with you and Charlie.

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Thanks Katana600 & Ray P for the nice welcome. We are still trucking right along with Charlie and all is well. He's a healthy eater and we are exploring new things every few days, he's holding steady at his current weight give or take a gram or two so perhaps this is indicative of him being on the smaller size.


Again, many thanks to all.


R/Mr. Mom

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Hi and Welcome to the forum and congrads on your new baby , I'am currently handfeeding and raising a baby Eclectus right now he wil be 11 weeks old tomorrow and he is on 3 handfeedings a day plus some Goldenfeast , I always put some Goldenfeast in a small ceramic bowl in his cage to snack on and he eats veggies in the evening between his afternoon and nite feeding as long as he wants formula he can stay on formula , not going to put a time limit on his handfeedings , when he is ready to drop a feeding he will let me know

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