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Smokey is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Parrot Lady

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Aeriel... what an adorable reply! Made me laugh! There is no difference in intelligence between a boy or girl grey. They are smart equally! Girls tend toward drama, just like human girls. They lay eggs which can be a pain in the butt, and they like to shop! LOl! Sophie is first to check out toys I buy in bulk. She picks and chooses. Surprisingly, she picks very little for herself and knows what the rest like. Of course I know what she will like, so I am not surprised by her picks. " if she can shred it... she wants it!". Nancy

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Aeriel... what an adorable reply! Made me laugh! There is no difference in intelligence between a boy or girl grey. They are smart equally! Girls tend toward drama, just like human girls. They lay eggs which can be a pain in the butt, and they like to shop! LOl! Sophie is first to check out toys I buy in bulk. She picks and chooses. Surprisingly, she picks very little for herself and knows what the rest like. Of course I know what she will like, so I am not surprised by her picks. " if she can shred it... she wants it!". Nancy
Marco loves the shred it toys first too :D
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Congrats on your bouncing boy! I thought Kizzy was a girl and he turned out to be a boy. The husband still refers to Kizzy as a female; and Kizzy still likes to wear my clothes... poor bird is probably gender confused HA!

lol my kids said the same thing bout Marco when we found out she was a lil girl but its ALL good! I wouldnt change a thing with her .... isnt it like a boy named Sue? I got a girl named Marco :D

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I have never had Misty tested but I was told he was a boy when I got him nine years ago and nothing he has done or said since gives me reason to doubt it. When I had Misty micro chipped about four years ago the vet thought he might be a girl but that was just by looking not testing. I am content with the idea of Misty being male and I have no reason to get him tested. To me he is Misty Parrot and he is who he is. If an egg mysteriously appears one day I will begin to refer to Misty as a "she" but until then......


Steve n Misty

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