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To adopt a TAG or blue front amazon?


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Hi all,

I'm new here and currently have a peach-front conure. I've always been interested in African Grey's and am interested in stepping up to a larger parrot. I'd like to adopt rather than purchase a baby but am nervous about a few things and am hoping for some help. The amazon I'm considering is 2.5 years old and the TAG is 5, I don't know the sex for either. 1) both bird are close to reaching sexual maturity, which is typically harder to deal with during that time? 2) which is a better potential apartment bird? Ill be living in a house for the next year or so but may more to an apartment sometime in the future. 3) both birds only have had one owner, which is more likely to adjust to a new owner best?


Thanks for your help! And yes I've done tons of research on both species so I'm mostly looking for some personal experience

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Hi Claire, welcome to the Greyforums. Kudos to you for doing your research before selecting your parrot. I have both or rather three: a TAG, a CAG, and a BF ZON. Ana Grey is 5; Sterling Gris is 2 and Louie, the zon, is 5. The greys I have had since about 4-5 months old. My zon is a re-home who was 1 1/2 years old when he came to live with me. Frankly either grey or zon is a wonderful bird. If you will check in the Amazon Room you will see oodles of information about amazons and there are oodles of threads about greys in each of the others rooms. Just read, read, read and ask all the questions you want. If I had to choose zon or grey I would not. I love both species.

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I also would struggle on a Zon or Grey. My amazon is presently missing as she escaped several weeks ago.Of course we haven't given up finding her and it has been such a rough time for all of us.Apartment living might be tough to have an amazon. Kiki our amazon needed room to scream but that was just her! My grey Sophie doesn't scream loudly, but I have heard that many do!I think if you can visit with both, thats the best answer! Let the bird pick you if possible. Nancy

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Oh thanks for reminding me Nancy. As for screaming, none of my three really scream. Ana Grey never; Sterling Gris, loves to talk, and Louie, the zon will let out a belt once in a while just to clear his pipes, I believe. Louie does not scream for long periods of times. Just a loud one or two.

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Hi Clair and welcome to our forum. I like luvparrots have a African grey only mine is a Congo and a Blue Fronted Amazon and I love them both.

My amazon is a rehome and her age is between 15 and 18 years old and she is e real joy to be around. My grey will be 13 on December 5 and she has been with us all her life.

Weather a baby or a rehome they can be what ever you want with love and caring.

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I live in a one bedroom condo very similar to an apartment with two shared walls. I have a female CAG who is very vocal but not loud. She has lived with me for a year and a half, and I have never had any complaints from neighbors. I doubt they even know she is there. Amazons are not typically recommended for apartments while greys are said to be OK for the most part. I know that some amazons might be fine in apartments, so perhaps you need to listen to your prospective adoptee and decide for yourself. I couldn't advise you on which bird to adopt based on personality or species qualities, but if noise is a possible issue, I would lean in favor of the TAG.

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MY greys are more quiet. I can trust them not to have to look every few minutes to see what they are doing. They love to just be in the same room and I don't find them loud, my cag is louder, my tag talks a lot, but in a very sweet voice.


All that being said, there is nothing like an amazons love for you. A grey will love & bond with you, but on their own terms. An amazon's love is apparent at all times, but they can be feisty at times & stubborn as well. YOU really have to assert yourself in the beginning of being the Flock leader and letting them know they must do what you want them to when required. A grey doesn't have those issues in my house. We work together..

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OOPs, the first half of my post got deleted I guess. I meant to say, my amazon is 4 1/2 years old. She is not a screamer, but she loves to talk & yell words and phrases loudly! Her favorite, "OH MY GOD!!!!" Sometimes when my windows are open, my neighbors must think someone is being murdered at my house. She will talk non stop when I talk, as soon as I stop, she does also, having a phone conversation only can happen when I go outside cause she will talk loudly when I do. The more animated I get, the louder she gets. People ask me how many kids I have at home...the answer? they are working or in school and all teenagers!

She is like having a 2 year old. She has to be watched constantly. You never know what she is into next. She must be a part of everything I am doing, doesn't care to sit & watch like my greys will. She will have her quiet times where she likes to sit & look out the window, but I am always having to check on her if she is quiet...never know what trouble she has found. She is a handful, but she loves me to death & makes no qualms about letting me know.

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Interestingly enough many of our grey families on the forum will also have an amazon and I have been giving it quite the consideration myself. We have lived with a 7-12 year old multi-rehomed Timneh for about two and a half years. He is not noisy nor has he been hormonal to my knowledge. I have often heard that terminology in our vet's office, at the bird fair and through our breeder in discussing amazons as they reach maturity. It seems to be a passing "thing" and I haven't heard a lot from our members as to that being the general case. Its a real tough call because while some species have common traits, each parrot is an individual affected by his past baggage and subject to change in the future. Our little guy was a traumatized, withdrawn, fearful little shaking bundle of plucked little self but he is becoming a treasured part of our family as he comes out of his shell and he makes us laugh every day with his cleverness. It is one of those things that when you make the decision, you will learn to make it work with whichever one is meant to be with you. Kudos to you for thinking of rescue. Its not just a companion, its a calling.

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Joanie Doss has a great article, The Amazing Amazon that is IMO a must read if you are thinking of a amazon. She dose a good job going into the hot three species and the difference between male and female.

Cricket my female BAF is very sweet and gentle in or out of season despite all that was said about her before she came to us.

Amazons and African Greys are both awesome parrots to live with.

The Hot Three Amazons Are.

1. The Double Yellow Head Male.

2. The Blue Fronted Amazon Male.

3. The Yellow Nape Amazon Male.

And this can very from male to male.

My CAG and my BFA each bring something of them self to our family.

Google ; Hot Three Amazons



Edited by Ray P
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My TAG is pretty "quiet." He doesn't scream, and talks in a "normal" tone. He does whistle a lot, which can be pretty piercing but not annoying (not in my mind anyway). Timber is six now. I've had him for 14 months. While I know he has had an affair with a bell in his cage, he doesn't change his behavior toward us. I have no experience with Amazons, but from what I've read here on the forum they get a little more aggressive and moody when they get hormonal. That said, I'd still like to have an Amazon at some time!

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I just read Alex and Me last night, good book :) and it made me even more excited to meet the first of my potential adoptees, the TAG, in the next couple days! Thanks for all of your thoughtful responses to my question!

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