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Hi, from Japan!!


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We are happy to join this forum and looking forward to sharing stories together!!!


My Grey's name is Chaco, she is going to be 4 in 2 months time.


She loves her daddy alot and thinks that her mom spoils her big time:laugh:


We both love her so much our world turns around her!!!


Sorry about the mess in the photo album.


I tried to upload some photos of Chaco last nite but wasn't so successful!!!


Could anyone tell me how to cancel them???


I would like to upload one picture of Chaco posing professionally in the photo and her boyfriend looking at it.




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Welcome Rikki!!


What a great photo of Chacho :-) and I love the painting!!


I think you can delete the photos you uploaded to the Gallery area.


We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more of the Great photos you have posted already!!

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Hello and welcome to the family, Rikki, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Chaco. She is a lovely grey, thanks for posting a picture right off the bat, we love to look at pictures of other's greys.


I think you might have a spoiled bird but who doesn't, how can you not spoil them rotten, they are so precious and we all love our little darlings to pieces.


If you have any specific questions you would like to ask feel free to fire away, we will do our best to answer them and do anything we can to make you feel welcome here and help you with your grey.


We would love to hear some stories if you would like to tell them, we never tire of listening to other's adventures or misadventures as the case might be.:)

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Hey Rikki,

Did you know that Chaco (sp?) is the species name for CAGs in Lingala? That's pretty cool if it's a coincidence. I have a friend from Congo Brazzaville, where CAGs live in the wild, he is helping me with names for my new baby CAG and that was one of his suggestions.

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:laugh: :laugh: THANK YOU!!!!:laugh: :laugh:


Thank you all for your welcome messages!!

I am soooo happy to be here with you, with all the birdlovers!!!in this forum.


I'm new here, and also I have to admit I'm not so familier with all the systems I find here (for example;how to submit photos yet:blush: )

but I would like to enjoy and share my and your love for the birds, for our beloved feathered family!


Thanks for the warm sweet welcome!!!




Rikki and Chaco(meaning african grey in Lingala:woohoo: )

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Hi rikki,


Thanks for posting again. :-)


You can find information about posting photos in the FAQ's Tab at the top of the webpage. There is a ton of useful information on this site along with a great group of people.


We'll look forward to hearing more from you.

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Your welcome Rikki :-)


Looking forward to seeing the photos once you translate the FAQ...sorry I don't know if we have anyone here that speaks Japanese.


If we do, rest assured they will pipe in and help you get to a quicker start on uploading photos. :-)

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Hi, DanMcQ;)

This morning before I went to work I learned how to submit photos successfully!!

The pictures have to be in right size!!!

So I tried already to submit 2 of Chaco's Halloween pics and they were successfully uploaded in the photo album:woohoo:

More to come!!!!

So beeeee ready:silly:


Tnanx for your concern!!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, thank you so much for the warm welcome!!!:laugh:

Thhough I'm not so active right now, I hope to write and read and laugh and think deep here at this forum more often:blush:


Thanks from the bottom of our hearts from Japan!



Rikki and Chaco;)

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