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New here and advice needed! :)

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Hi everyone I'm Katie, and my fiance and I are taking in a 10 year old male Grey on September 3rd! his name is Paco and we are very excited! He is going to be joining our large family! Our newest addition my 9 month old beautiful baby boy, along with our 2 cats, 3 dogs, a bearded dragon, and a very spoiled 28 year old Blue and Gold Macaw Koko!! So I do have expierence with large birds/parrots and am more then aware or all the dos-donts and no nos.. there is one concern for me though. Our Macaw, isnt a flyer we also don't clip her wings only because she doesn't know how to fly... She stays on her cage but we never shut the door, day or night the cage stays open so she comes and goes as pleases. At one point in her lifetime I am aware the owner got. 2Nd Macaw, and they did not get along. That was maybe 10 years ago... Now our soon to be grey IS a flyer and has never had his wings clipped. But from what I'm told, they keep him in the cage with the door shut, qnd only let's him out for feedings which he will fly around. The grey grew up with his neighbor a umbrella cockatoo, which they said they've never showed any aggresion towards each other. I would like any and all advice on having a smooth transaction coming to my house where he will have a new neighbor, should I keep both the koko and paco locked up untill their comfortable seeing each other? I guess I won't really know how it'll go untill I bring him home! Thanks :)

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Hi Katie, welcome to the Grey family. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that our parrots will like each other or even get along. I have a TAG that hated, and I mean hated an older ekkie that I re-homed to the point that she would dive bomb him and attack him whenever she saw him. He was not flighted, she is. I re-homed the ekkie with my next door neighbor after 2 years of trying to have them get along. The three parrots I have now do get along but I believe other members have multiple birds that do not get along. My canary lives in another room because he would be dinner for my TAG if she saw him. Hopefully your parrot and your new grey will be friendly. Only time will tell.

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Hi everyone I'm Katie, and my fiance and I are taking in a 10 year old male Grey on September 3rd! his name is Paco and we are very excited! He is going to be joining our large family! Our newest addition my 9 month old beautiful baby boy, along with our 2 cats, 3 dogs, a bearded dragon, and a very spoiled 28 year old Blue and Gold Macaw Koko!! So I do have expierence with large birds/parrots and am more then aware or all the dos-donts and no nos.. there is one concern for me though. Our Macaw, isnt a flyer we also don't clip her wings only because she doesn't know how to fly... She stays on her cage but we never shut the door, day or night the cage stays open so she comes and goes as pleases. At one point in her lifetime I am aware the owner got. 2Nd Macaw, and they did not get along. That was maybe 10 years ago... Now our soon to be grey IS a flyer and has never had his wings clipped. But from what I'm told, they keep him in the cage with the door shut, qnd only let's him out for feedings which he will fly around. The grey grew up with his neighbor a umbrella cockatoo, which they said they've never showed any aggresion towards each other. I would like any and all advice on having a smooth transaction coming to my house where he will have a new neighbor, should I keep both the koko and paco locked up untill their comfortable seeing each other? I guess I won't really know how it'll go untill I bring him home! Thanks :)


Well, your situation sounds like all will be happy. You have a bird that doesn't fly but stays on the cage. You'll have a bird that can fly but who's been cage bound. That in itself should have never happened. Your new grey has experience living with another bird who's a diferent species and got along. As luvparrots said, there's no guarantee that parrots will definitely get along. It's a chance you'll be taking. More than likely, your grey will visit the Macaw until * the thrill is over*. Aggression can come from jealousy, invasion of another bird's home( cage). Most adult birds of different species have no desire to do that unless they'e allowed to do that from a very early age. Macaws and greys are jealous of their own home and that rule is ususlly established quickly with adult birds. The grey who flys will probably show more interest in everything that's new in the house. Personally, I would advise you not to clip an adult's wings ( grey).

AS far as a smooth transition, the best way to do that is to keep each cage apart until the birds get used to the presense of another bird. There should be no jealousy concerning food because those 2 parrots eat different things. The B/G macaw is one of the friedliest bird to keep in the house. Paying lots of attention to both birds on a constant basis is important but remember that the Macaw is the #1 bird in the house and should be trated that way---giving food, giving treat to the macaw first. The grey won't know what it's like to be the #1 bird because he's in a new envirnoment with new people and surroundings. It's too bad that the grey was onstantly locked up. You're very lucky that you're not getting a cage bound bird. Keeping both locked up for a while is mentioned above.

The only thing I would worry about are the dogs and cat. The macaw is high uo on the cage so the 4 legged animals aren't interested in straining themselves to get the macaw. The grey will be flying around and the 4 legged animals may show an desire to get the bird or at least show interest. That won't go well with the flying bird. So, the best thing you can do is have one eye constantly checking out the situation. But only you knows the personality of your 4 legged animals. I'm sure you'll make the right decision.

The other thing is room for getting rid of loose dander. Macaws have very sensitive nares and sometimes, breathing is affected. No always but keep this in the back of your mind.

When you get to the point of releasing the grey, watch to see his reaction to the grey and visa versa. The time to see things see in the beginning of a relationship. As they get used to each other, they'll either ignore eachother or become neutral towards eachother.

Start off with with some of these suggestions and see what happens.

Edited by Dave007
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Dave gave you some good advice and I agree that the Macaw should keep his Number one spot, after all he earned it.

The newest member of the flock will take his place and in the proper order as he fits in the scheme of things.

Always be aware of what`s going on with all your flock, feather or fur.

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Hello Katie and welcome to our family.

The others have given you some excellent advice, there is no telling if they will get along so you will just have to wait and see and go from there.

Many thanks for giving Paco a new forever home and looking forward to seeing some pictures of him when you get some.

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Sorry to hijack the thread with a question, feel free to move this post to a more appropriate area if necessary.


I know that when bringing in a new dog or cat into a household where dogs/cats are already present, it is best to arrange for an introduction on neutral ground and typically it can be quickly determined whether or not two dogs/cats are going to be able to cohabit peacefully. Does this tactic work with parrots?

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Welcome Katie. VStar Mama I was just about to mention that. I have introduced only smaller birds. First a Sun Conure to a TIEL and then a TAG to the Sun Conure (the TIEL had died by then). I made sure the first intro was in a spot that neither one considered their place. Not near either cage or a spot where they played. I held one bird while the other was free the first time - and make it short. The next time I let both birds go but had my hand always at the ready. I guess I was really lucky because both times the two got along verily well from the start. My TAG and Sun are out together all the time. I sometimes have brotherly squabbles to settle, but never anything serious.

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So Sept 6th is the OFFICIAL bring home date!!! And HE is a SHEE, the one owner kept confusing me. Over the phone he told me Paco was a Female, but everytime I talked to him he kept refrencing her as a HE, so i assumed I misheard what he said and that it was a Male, hense the name Paco.. But when I went to visit he would say he, the wife would say she, and thats when I found out He really is a SHE!? Confusing but glad I know now.. lol

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