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I got a new baby!


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I am so excited. We collected him(her) on Sunday. He is absolutely adorable. Hatched 11th July, so he is exactly one year younger than Liath. We are calling him Oisin. I have been warned to stay away from him, because he is to be my husbands baby!


Unfortunately I think he is going to be Liath's baby! We dont know the sex of either of our birds, but one thing is for sure, Liath is totally infatuated with him. They are in separate cages!


I am absolutely thrilled as I have wanted another grey for ages now.



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Well congratulations, Siobhan, on the new addition to the flock, I am so happy for you and your hubby. But you may be right, having two greys might mean that they may bond to each other and not to one of you.


Here's hoping that Oisin will take up with your husband and not Liath, but they will do what they want so you may just have to accept what you get. But I am thrilled for you that you got your second grey and hope things turn out the way you want them to be.:)

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WoW...Congratulations Siobhan !!!


Now you get to share your new baby stories with the rest of us that have young Greys!! :-)


The interaction between you two Greys should prove to be interesting stories you will be able to share with us as they grow and you happen to be lucky enough to capture a photo of a special moment, that would be the icing on the cake!! :laugh:

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Hi Dan, I have been reading some of your posts about 2 cages vs one. At the moment I am leaning towards separate cages. Oisin is in a smallish cage at the moment, but there is no way he can live out the rest of his days in it.


Right now there can be no interactions between me and the new grey as my hubby wants him to bond with him, but i have given him the odd scratch here and there (just don't tell my husband!) It will be such fun, especially when they start chatting together, and fighting together! Liath is not too fond of sharing, even toys she has never played with, they are still HER toys, and Oisin can't touch them.


Ooooh I have to go shopping for new toys... and a new stand... and a new cage.... ooooh I am EXCITED!!!



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LOL Siobhan- Go shopping!! It's always exciting :-)


Yes, since Liath is older and more mature, what's his is his and that includes Cage (His Home and security), Toys and you and your hubby!! :side:


Sneaky...Sneaky...Sneaky...Your Husband will start wondering why Oisin always wants to come over and sit with you ;-)


Can't wait to here of yoru shopping spree :woohoo:

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Shopping spree began today, so I thought i would update you. I got Oisin some doggy toys, reduced to €2 each so I couldnt resist, Liath loves them so I had to get her one too! I got him the concrete perch because he really needs a pedicure. Let's just say I won't be wearing strappy tops in the near future! And I bought him one of those ropy, things with the wooden balls on which will look like a load of strings in about 3 weeks. But the birds just love to destroy things, rather that than my furniture.

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