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Parrot Lady

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It's been awhile since I been here and lots have happened , we have 3 birds now Rocky , Opey and Smokey, we lost Brandy awhile ago due to a tragic accident which I'am still upset about and don't want to get into that , so about Smokey he is almost 3 years old a congo grey and we are his 3rd home , after Brandy I was done with adopting any more birds but my hubby came home from work one day and told me a friend of his from work knew someone with a grey that needed a home he really wanted to go see this bird so I finally gave him , poor Smokey had one perch ,one food bowl and only 1 toy and on a seed diet :( and plucked not real bad but definitely plucked , I felt so bad for him and wanted to get him in a decent cage , the cage was dirty and rusted out , he needed a good home so bad , I was a little leary at first but my heart went out to him and I had to get him out of their , so that's how we have Smokey , he has been with us for almost a month and boy what a challenge , it took him a week to touch a pellet and the only ones he will eat is the Intune Pellets by Higgins , believe me I have tried at least 5 different kinds and he also eats some Goldenfeast , I have cut his seeds down to 1 Tbl spoon , he hates being sprayed but loves showers , I have been spraying him in between showers with Rain Mist and Feather Terrific for his plucking issues and he gets 3 showers a week , he is defintly a work in progress and he knows some bad words have to work on that to , I have a video of him and he calls me a f-----er the whole time Iam spraying him if anyone wants to see it , he also knows a few more cuss words which I hope he will forget some day ,well I think that's it for now heres some pics of him






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Good to see you back. Kudos to you form taking in Smokey. Wow, only 3 years old and as many homes. It god to hear he has reached his final home and can now learn that life with humans can be good, safe and a long term commitment. I look forward to hearing more from you on him and the rest of the flock. :)

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3 homes and not even 3 years old yet was a lot for me to try to figure out , and yes he does have some baggage, he cusses bad for one, and he is always nervous ,he says a lot of words but he mumbles a lot so it's hard to understand him , we are a work in progress :) but each day is getting a little better :)

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That first picture reminds me of a Grey I saw at the shop where I buy pellets. Only this Grey was plucked to the down feathers everywhere including on his wings. The only feathers were on his head. He actually looked cute as he was a down fuzzball. I know his situation was pretty sad, his owner died and he was being sold on consignment by the heirs I guess. They were asking more for him than I paid at a reputable breeder. It's sad what these guys have to go through - makes me depressed thinking about it. I'm glad Smokey has found you.

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So sorry to hear about Brandy but congrats on giving Smokey a new forever home, he is a handsome hunk even if he does pluck a little but give him time and plenty to keep him busy. You will just have to ignore the cuss words when he speaks them and give no reaction and he should say them less and less but shame on the people who taught him those.

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Smokey is such a baby... and so deserving of a forever home! You sound like a perfect match for smokey.As far as the " bad language", it can be rectified at such a young age. I was horrified when Sophie called me an " ass hole". Ryan and Sean's friend thought it would be funny to teach her that. Kids let them know, I would FREAK! She got over that word quite quickly. Nancy

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I was told they had a few teenagers in his first home so they said that's where he learned all his bad words but not sure if I believe that , I think he learned bad words from both homes , if he gets mad at you for any reason he will call you a chithead and a F------er , when I mist him with Tropical Rain Spray he says the F----er , hubby thought it was funny at first but after he said it to him a few times he didn't think it was so funny

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Glad to have you back, my sincere condolences on losing Brandy, let your love for her overcome the loss as you move forward with Smokey, Rocky and Opey. If it weren't for that TAG/CAG thing, Smokey and Gilbert could be "twins". His posture, the look in his eyes, the multiple rehomes and the occasional impolite expression. As Smokey hears sweet things from your home, the rest will fall by the wayside for the most part. One thing Gilbert used to say in the beginning was "Shut UP, you IDIOT". Now he scolds the dogs occasionally with "Shhh, quiet." Once they realize the shock value has passed and the naughty word is not rewarded, you will hear it far less. It looks like Smokey chews his feathers moreso than plucking and with consistency and stability he will probably stop that too. Gilbert still will get down to his fluffy grey underwear occasionally if he gets really stressed but for the most part will go months as his feathers grow and become more beautiful.

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