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Just venting...


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My husband and I decided to go to the foothills last Saturday to take photos of the fall colors in the trees. Our "good" car had a nail in one of the tires, the jeep still only had the bikini top on it so we took our older car for the hour and a half drive. We stopped a few exits before our destination to eat some lunch. We parked in a large parking lot and walked a block or two to a restaurant. We had a nice lunch and walked back to our car. We heard "oh my gosh, look at that car!!"...then we saw our car...the back bumper lying on the ground. At first, I didn't think it was our car....denial. It's kinda unbelievable when you see your car in such a condition. We got a little closer and couldn't deny that it was our car. And, no note either. It was pretty obvious what had happened. We parked next to a half space...for a motor cycle. Maybe a little bigger than a motor cycle space. It looked like a car tried to park there...realized it was too small and when they pulled out, snagged our bumper and tore it off...my husband walked around to the different businesses to see if anyone saw anything...nope..nada. But we did find out that the police station was just down stairs ... kinda underground. They gave us the paperwork to fill out and were quite nice. Our insurance doesn't cover it...bummer!! I'm just glad it was THAT car and not one of the others. Anyway, I just wanted to vent...I didn't think people still did that sort of thing anymore...I guess since 9/11 and the war, I thought we were all trying to have each other's back, so to speak. Here's a picture of the car...it's the only photos I got that day...:blink:




Heather<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2007/10/23 04:53

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Oh yes Heather, there are still people like that out there and they should be ashamed of themselves. They may not have had any insurance so didn't want the hassle but it shows what lowlife people are still willing to do.


Thats a shame that this photo was the only one taken, I guess it took all the joy out of being out that day to get pictures of the fall colors.

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Oh geez Heather, very infuriating :(


You are more than welcome to vent about and the jerk that did it.


Unfortunately, people are not getting more friendly, good natured or responsible for their actions these days. They are being taught by the court systems that everything they do is not their fault...but because they were neglected or mistreated as children or so the story always goes....I hate that theory, it's BS!!


Everyone whether crapped on by their parents or others still have Brains and they make the choices they do. Everyone can chose to do the right or wrong thing and they KNOW what is right and wrong.


There, I vented some for you :-)

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I like those kind of vents, Dan, and you are right on, no one wants to take the blame for their own actions anymore, it's too easy to put it on someone else. It's a sad world we live in nowadays that people don't want to take responsibility for their own actions and that is BS big time!!!!!!

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I had the same thing happen to my BRAND NEW CAR 2 weeks after I got it. Some kid hit it with his bike and put a big gouge on the quarter panel. The mom told me when she came to look at the damage and pick up her son that she would pay for it. When I brought the estimates they said that I "endangered" their child because I was blocking the sidewalk and they were not responsible, but in my neighborhood the driveways are so short that you can't park a car on it without blocking them. I say the car didn't jump out in front of him...he ran into it! These people are the absolute scum of the earth because the father called me at work just to harass me about the whole thing and told me his older son his two cars parked in the street and blamed the people that parked them there. These people need to be taken out of the parenting pool because they are teaching their kids it's ok to damage people’s property. AHHHHH…. I’m still pissed about it and I still have a gouge/dent in my car!!!!

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