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Air Purifiers


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Hello all,


I was looking into Air Purifiers and doing a bit of research. I've seen/heard of them before but didn't know if they actually work or are a bit of a gimmick.


Does anyone here use an air purifier? If so, what are your thoughts? Do they seem to make any difference?

What make/model would you recommend? I'm currently looking at the Heaven Fresh XJ-3800 which has some good reviews. Most of the negative reviews seem to expect it to perform miracles and absorb every speck of dust in the room so they don't have to tidy so often. :D With Alfie and two cats, I can't see me having to reduce my cleaning schedule at all haha!


Edited to add: Apologies if this was the wrong section to post this in- wasn't really sure where it belonged!

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You're probably one of the few people that are looking at purifiers with the perfect attititude


****** Most of the negative reviews seem to expect it to perform miracles and absorb every speck of dust in the room so they don't have to tidy so often. :D With Alfie and two cats, I can't see me having to reduce my cleaning schedule at all haha!******


Most people who are looking at purifiers and in the back of their minds are the words vacuum/remover of pet dust/dander. Purifiers don't remove any dust or dander unless it stays in the air and floats around. Cats have heavy dander--greys and some other types of parrots have heavy dander hich goes in one direction---downward. It stays there unless it's naturally moved around by walking or wiping etc. A good place to see the heavy dander is to look at the typical bird cage and look at the extreme dust on it compared to other places that have dust.

Most purifiers don't have strong vacuum power and the dust that it does take in is the type that floats around areas and stays afloat. Eventually that type of dust floats near the purifier and is taken in. I don't know about the brand that you speak of but ost brands work on that same principle. A purifier in a bird room is fne as long as you realize that the purifier isn't a miracle maker which it seems like you already know. In a bird area the purifier will take in floating dust as long as it stays afloat. All dander is heavy and purifiers aren/t made for heavy dander.

I wish that many others were as realistic as you concerning purifiers.



Edited by Dave007
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Hi Dave, thanks for your response. I do sometimes have a fair amount of dust flying around- you can see it when it catches the light. I'm just conscious that it can't be great to be breathing it all in- especially as the two cats are indoor only so I can't have windows wide open for fear of them getting out. I also have a new housemate who seems to be a little bit more sensitive to it than I am. He gets a bit snuffly and sneezey if he's in this room for a long time. So I was thinking an air purifier might help to get rid of some of the finer floating dust. We're also going to be putting some netting over the windows/patio doors which is velcro'd round the edges so that we can have windows/doors open and the cats/Alfie won't be able to get out. So I think that will help get some fresh air into the place as well.


I regularly clean all the surfaces, floor and Alfie's cage to pick up all the dust that's settled and I don't mind doing it at all. That's not really an issue to me as I've grown up with animals all my life so expect them to be messy!


I'll do some more reading/research before deciding to get one. So long as I discount the reviews where the person obviously expected it to miraculously clean their house for them, then reviews seem to be good so far.

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I have this model and really like it. http://www.honeywellstore.com/store/products/honeywell-17000-s-quietcare-permanent-true-hepa-air-purifier-germ-reduction.htm It sits on the floor near Jakes cage and does a fairly good job of pulling in the dust/dander and keeping the room air fresh. I know its pulling tremendous amounts of stuff because I have to hoover it every few days and with the prefilter being black I can see all the yuck stuck to it. The problem I am having is that none of my local stores are selling the "permanent filter" which isn't really permanent it just needs to be replaced less often.


Use caution with the velcro. Both Jake and our cat have learned to peel it back. You will be safer making a frame or covering the velcro in something that will at least slow them down some and provide some strength. Cats love to climb window screening.

Edited by Wingy
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Thanks Wingy, will look into that model/similar models too and see if it's available where I am too.


Thanks for the advice with the velcro. I'm only going to have the windows/doors open when I'm in the room with them- if I leave the room I'll shut the windows as I'm paranoid haha! I'm getting velcro round the whole frame as well (rather than just in patches) and apparently it's quite strong stuff. I spoke with a few other cat owners who have used them - one had four cats and had used the solution for a few years now and hadn't had any problems. So hopefully I'll be ok with it - but will be watching them like a hawk anyway, just to be on the safe side.

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