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first parrot ever had.....advice?

majd seffarini

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hiii everyone i brought my african grey yesterday he is a male and his name is rio he is 2 and a half years old today i tried to pet him but he didn't let me at first now he only lets me pet his beak nothing else if i even try petting any other part of him he will try to bite so i was wondering when will he trust me and start to really like me and is it ok that he doesn't let me touch him now and one more thing he wont eat his veggies how could i get him to eat veggies and fruits?

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If he's anything like the Congo African Grey I use to baby sit it will take some time for him to warm up to you. what i did for the grey a was watching was i took his favorite treat and sat down next to him just talking and feeding him through the cage and eventually he started letting me pat his neck and hold him when he chose to come out on his own. if your new to him he needs to be reassured that he can trust you. in perspective you wouldnt want some stranger you just moved in with to start patting you right off or maybe even touching you. so no fear he will get there!

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What was he eating before he came to you? You might start with that and slowly introduce new things one by one. Greys don't like sudden change. As far as touch and petting, don't rush that. He is not a baby anymore and will likely only accept touch when he really knows and trusts you. That will take weeks or months or may never happen at all. My Congo doesn't like much touch from me and I have had her since she was a baby. She shows love in other ways, and I am fine with that. Slow and steady wins the race my friend. Welcome to the forum and keep us updated on Rio!

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Yes, as the others said, touch takes time. Just spend time in the same room talking to him and whistling. Slow and easy wins the day on trust. As to the vegetables, you can make "chop" (search forum for threads), sneak it into things like birdie bread, hang it on a skewer (my TAG's favorite way), or find another way to sneak them into something he does like. Sometimes you just have to keep offering the veggies. One of these days he will give them a try. Some they like better cooked (sweet potato for my bird), and others they like raw. It depends on your bird. It is a lot of trial and error, which results in a lot of waste, but you'll figure it out eventually!

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As I am sure you have figured out by now greys can be very cautious creatures and it takes time for them to settle into a new home and feel comfortable especially when they are no longer a just weaned baby so be very patient with him. It takes time and lots of patience to build that trust that is necessary for you two to bond and it can't be rushed, let him set the pace of what he allows you to do with him and things will go a lot smoother.

Even though he may seem like he is not interested in his vegetables you still need to offer them and vary the selection and how they are prepared for some like certain ones specific ways so chop, steam, raw, shredded, mashed or whatever way you can think of to find what he will eat but do keep offering.

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thanks everyone i'm spending a lot of time around him talking to him and sitting around him he is my first parrot ever so this is new to me i have canaries and bunnies and a cat and raised many animals but a parrot is such a special animal and is worth all the effort thanks again

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The fact that your new baby let you pet his beak, speaks for itself! This alone, tells me this bird is more than capable of learning to trust! Introduce a special platter of fresh fruits and veggies. Two veggies and one fruit. Baby will most likely throw them at the walls. Normal behavior. Continue to change diet of fresh fruits and veggies, focus on veggies. I always had Sophie out, chewing a carrot, when I was eating one. Tons of new ways to introduce healthy food. Nancy

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After fifteen yrs. my cag still won't let me touch her back, chest, or tail till the sun goes down. When I dim the lights, I can touch her from head to tail. She'll readily accept a head scratch and a beak rub anytime though. Stepping up, not a problem. Reach for her back or tail during the day and I see how little removed from the wild she is. Maybe she needs fifteen more years. My B&G loves to be petted. I can carry her upside down in my arms, tickle her belly, rub her feet and she comes back for more, but not the cag. My cag doesn't like sprouts and only likes her vegetables cooked and preferably warm. While I'm doing all this food prep or cage cleaning she keeps repeating, " Boy I love the parrots."

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